Abeil - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Abeils (sometimes pluralized as "abeil" [2]), also commonly known as bee people, were humanoid bee -like creatures that lived in large hive-cities. They were divided into three castes: the laboring vassals, the fighting soldiers (also known as stormwings), and the ruling queens. [1] Abeils exhibited a mix of the features of bees and elves.
Abeil - Wikibooks, open books for an open world
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the Abeil are a fictional monstrous humanoid race. They resemble humanoid bees. They are also known as Bee People.
Abeil, Vassal (CR 2) - Realms Helps
Abeils are insect-like humanoids known for their industriousness and their complex social structure. They are commonly referred to as "bee people." Their society has an expansionist philosophy -- a fact that troubles those whose lands they intrude upon.
Abeil | Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki | Fandom
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the abeil are a fictional monstrous humanoid race. They resemble humanoid bees. They are also known as Bee People.
Abeir - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Abeir (pronounced: / ɑː ɪ ˈ b ɪər / ai-BEER[3] or: / ɑː ˈ b ɪər / ah-BEER[4]) was the twin planet of Toril, [5] located in the same material plane of its sibling world, but within a "pocket dimension" that was out of synchronicity with Toril. [1][6] Abeir revolved around the same sun of Realmspace, and shared the lunar satellite Selûne and its T...
Abeil, Soldier (CR 6) - Realms Helps
Abeil soldiers are often called storm-wings because of the thunderous noise they make in battle. They prefer to meet a threat by using their stormwing attacks and bows first, then meleeing with ranseurs and stingers as needed. All abeils prefer to fight from the sky, making ranged attacks and sonic assaults upon their foes below.
D&D 5E Abeil (from the 3rd edition MM II) - EN World
2014年9月5日 · Abeils are an imperialistic an expansionist race of bee-people. Soldier Abeils are the army of the Hive's Queen, and are larger then their kin. For some reason I thought the Vassal would be trivial to do compaired to the Soldier... this was not the case. I have no idea if these have the right Challenge rating. Hive Mind.
Abeil - Eberron Wiki | Fandom
Abeil are a kind of monstrous humanoid that resemble bee-like elves. [1] Abeil have three known subtypes: [1] Soldiers or storm-wings are the aggressive protectors of the abeil colonies. [1] Vassals are the workers of the colonies who build up the hive-cities and find the raw material to fuel their growth. [1]
The Compendium of Forgotten Creatures: 3/3.5e to 5e Monster ... - Reddit
2021年2月5日 · You used both "abeil" and "abiel". There was also a monster with a time ability (one of the abominations) where it refers to the monster using its "static touch to seal the deal". I think this is meant to read "stasis touch".
Abeir-Toril | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
Abeir-Toril (pronounced: / ɑː ɪ ˈ b ɪər t oʊ ˈ r ɪ l / ai-BEER-toh-RILL[1] or: / ɑː ˈ b ɪər t ɔːr ˈ r ɪ l / ah-BEER-tor-RILL[2] listen) was the name of a prehistoric planet that existed before −31,000 DR when Ao sundered the world into two worlds: Abeir and Toril. [3] . The name was archaic, meaning "cradle of life". [1]
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