Abiel srl
c/o Studio Arcidiacono & Renda via Enzo ed Elvira Sellerio n. 50 90141 Palermo, Italy
COMPANY – Abiel srl - abielbiotech.com
Abiel is a biotechnology company committed to R&D, production and marketing of innovative high quality lytic enzymes for tissue dissociation in cell therapy and regenerative medicine applications. Abiel’s recombinant collagenases represent a step forward towards the optimization and standardization of cell isolation protocols, a major ...
Abiel - LinkedIn
ABIEL srl - Industrial and Biomedical Applications of Lytic Enzymes- is a spin-off of the University of Palermo and CNR. It is specialized in the research and in the production of lytic enzymes...
CONTACTS – Abiel srl
For inquiries regarding pricing and orders, please contact the appropriate distributor for your region. If your country is not currently served by one of our distributors, please contact us directly.
Abiel is a biotechnology innovative-SME committed to R&D, production and marketing of recombinant collagenases, for applications in Regenerative Medicine (RM) fields. Collagenase enzymes in RM are used to extract the relevant cells from biological tissues, which challenging goal is to obtain a high number of living cells and reproducible results.
ABIEL SRL Company Profile | PALERMO, PALERMO, Italy
ABIEL SRL Company Profile | PALERMO, PALERMO, Italy | Competitors, Financials & Contacts - Dun & Bradstreet
Abiel Srl di Palermo - Elenco Aziende Italia
L'azienda Abiel Srl si trova in VIA ENZO ED ELVIRA SELLERIO 50, 90141, Palermo, Palermo. La sua attività è Codice Ateco 2007 (72.11) "Ricerca e sviluppo sperimentale nel campo delle biotecnologie". È possibile accedere alla scheda azienda di Abiel Srl da qui.
Abiel - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
Abiel is an industrial and biomedical application of lytic enzymes. They specialized in the research and in the production of lytic enzymes for cell therapy and regenerative medicine. Abiel's objectives are the study, research, development, production, and commercialization of biotechnology products with particular attention to lytic enzymes
Abiel - VentureRadar
ABIEL srl - Industrial and Biomedical Applications of Lytic Enzymes- is a spin-off of the University of Palermo and CNR. It is specialized in the research and in the production of lytic enzymes for cell therapy and regenerative medicine.
PRODUCTS – Abiel srl - abielbiotech.com
Abiel‘s kit packages are ready-to-use and contain COL G and/or COL H and Thermolysin, to perform 3 assays of the study, allowing fully reproducible and standardized blends with highly predictable enzymatic efficiency.