法语 中的 abolir 动词变位表 - Collins Online Dictionary
j'aie aboli tu aies aboli il/elle ait aboli nous ayons aboli vous ayez aboli ils/elles aient aboli 过去完成时 j' eusse aboli tu eusses aboli il/elle eût aboli nous eussions aboli vous eussiez aboli ils/elles eussent aboli
Aboli | Today's Episode- 718 -2 | अबोलीने ... - YouTube
2024年2月27日 · Star प्रवाह वर...#aboli #abolionstarpravah #starpravah #fullepisode #highlights #अबोली... अबोलीने अंकुशला सांगितली गोड ...
Abolir - French Masterclass
2024年9月12日 · The verb “Abolir” belongs to the 2nd group of French verbs. In English, “Abolir” means “to abolish”. Note: you can also use these in the past by conjugating aller, venir, and être in imparfait instead of présent.
abolir - Definition, Meaning, Examples & Pronunciation in French
Mettre quelque chose hors d'usage, l'effacer, la mettre à neant. Le Magistrat a aboli cette méchante coûtume. le Roy a aboli une telle loy, une telle procedure ; il a entierement aboli les duels. Le temps a aboli les plus beaux monumens de l'antiquité. il …
Aboli | Today's Episode- 834 -1 |अबोलीला ... - YouTube
2024年7月9日 · अबोलीला तिचा राग अनावर... 'अबोली’सोम-शनि रात्री 10:30 वा. Star प्रवाह वर...#aboli #abolionstarpravah # ...
English translation of 'abolir' - Collins Online Dictionary
English Translation of “ABOLIR” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases.
abolir - English translation – Linguee
De nombreux pays ont aboli la peine de mort. Many countries have abolished the death penalty. Le gouvernement a aboli la taxe controversée. The government eliminated the controversial …
abolir - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年1月2日 · abolir (first-person singular present abulo, third-person singular present abole, first-person singular preterite abolim or aboli, past participle abolido, reintegrationist norm) to abolish
ABOLITION中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
ABOLITION翻译:(制度、习俗等的)废除。 了解更多。
Abolir - French verb conjugations - Lawless French
Simple and compound conjugations for the French verb abolir.