prepositions - "explain this" vs "explain about this" - English ...
2023年1月25日 · Yes, the sentence is much more fluent without the about. The simplest answer is "because that's not how we generally speak in English"; you can see how much more common explain this is than explain about this is. It is not impossible to use explain with about, but explain usually takes a direct object, which is the thing that you are explaining. "explain about X" …
meaning - What do you think about <this><that>? - English …
You provide a link to another page about usage. That page is not saying that the EVENT has (or has not happened). The page is saying that the NAME OF THE EVENT has (or has not) already been mentioned. If you first mention going to the movies, you then refer to going to the movies with the word "that." But if the "What do you think" part is coming first, before you mention the …
More formal way of saying: "Sorry to bug you again about this, …
2011年8月22日 · I assume by "Sorry to bug you again about this" that you were already given help with "X", so instead of an apology, perhaps a thank you would work better: Thank you for your help with X, but we are still having problems with it and... This is most likely how I would write it, an apology seems to be an admission that you feel "bad" for asking and can sound "whiny", …
grammar - Email - We will discuss about this during/in our …
2017年9月29日 · I am responding to an email where i want inform the person who asked some question saying we will discuss about this during Mondays meeting. I am not sure which is the correct way of framing this
word choice - "Learned of" or "Learned about"? - English …
2014年9月3日 · When would I use "learned of" versus "learned about" in a sentence? For example: The principal learned of the planned protest and suspended any students wearing the armbands. or The principal
Which of 'Question on', 'question about', 'question regarding ...
A (about) and C (regarding) are synonymous. About is the most natural preposition, regarding is more stilted. They both indicate questions which concern the course itself, such as what topics will be covered, what time it takes place, what the prerequisites are, … Regarding works better on narrower subjects. I have a question about mathematics, regarding continuous functions. …
word choice - "Knowledgeable about" vs. "knowledgeable on" vs ...
If you must use knowledgeable, then knowledgeable in knowledgeable about are your best choices. Knowledgeable on is not correct. On implies that knowledge is a physical object that can have a physical position relative to something. For example, the following phrases use prepositions that commonly apply to physical objects: knowledgeable under knowledgeable …
"How about" vs. "What about" - English Language & Usage Stack …
2011年2月22日 · Is there a difference between starting a question with How about and What about? Can we use both expressions interchangeably?
Is it correct to say "I would like to inquire about something?"
When I make a call to get some information regarding a matter, I generally start the conversation with "Hello, I would like to inquire about something." Is this a correct usage? If not, what would...
"what this all is about" or "what this is all about"
If you are referring to multiple items A flurry of tweets today and what this all is about is the Trump cabinet. (present) A flurry of tweets yesterday and what these all were about was the Trump cabinet. (past) If you are referring to a single item (a post) What the post is all about is the selection of his cabinet. The patterns you are using are "All is about" talks about several things ...