Abúhukü - A Book of Creatures
2015年11月13日 · Abúhuwa are nocturnal creatures who embody disease, death, and all that is evil. They associate with the spirits of dead poisoners, murderers, and male adulterers, and are described as misty creatures from the realm of darkness. Their name is derived from “whiteness”, or the foaming of rapids.
Abuhuku Physiology | Superpower Wiki - Fandom
They are a Columbian nocturnal mythical creature that embodies disease, death, and all things evil. The abuhuku affiliate themselves with spirits of dead poisoners, murderers, and male adulterers. Their victims have a hole cut into their skulls from …
Abúhukü – The Creature Codex
2018年2月8日 · surprising speed is a creature that appears as a reddish humanoid with an immense proboscis where its head ought to be. and towns in search of blood. They are …
Abúhukü - 5th Edition SRD
These nocturnal fiends are deadly hunters who embody plagues, poisons, and all manner of physical taint and corruption that rots bodies from the inside out.
Abúhukü | Fantastipedia | Fandom
Abúhukkü são criaturas noturnas que incorporam doença, morte e tudo o que é mau. Eles se associam com os espíritos de envenenadores, assassinos e adúlteros mortos, e são descritos como criaturas nebulosas do reino das trevas. Seu nome é derivado de “brancura”, ou a formação de espuma de corredeiras.
The Lost World Bestiary - Abuhuku - DeviantArt
2024年2月22日 · Abúhukü are a kind of oversized asassin-bug which are quite common in forested areas of the plateau. They are occasionally known to range into the surrounding jungle at the foot of the Plateau, which has led to them featuring in some local tribal folklore as a sort of evil, goblin-like creature that is apt to suck people dry.
Creature Codex — Abúhukü
2017年7月31日 · Bogeys of the deep jungle, the insect-like monsters known as abúhuküs steal into villages and towns in search of blood. They are inherently cowardly, and much prefer to attack sleeping and unsuspecting prey rather than engage in a fair fight.
Abúhukü (5e Creature) - D&D Wiki
2023年3月20日 · Often called mosquito-folk abúhukü are dangerous and poisonous creatures native to the jungles of the world. They are thought to have some kind of connection to stirges, though this is not known to any capacity. They are extremely dumb and uninsightful and often work for practically anyone if they get to sow general evil and mischief in doing so.
Mythika — Name: Abuhuku Alternate Names: Abuhuwa …
2016年5月24日 · Name: Abuhuku. Alternate Names: Abuhuwa. Mythology: Colombia Folklore (South American legends) Size: Medium, somewhat bigger than human. Environment: Jungles (in high trees) and in Jungle Villages, sneaking up your walls.
A Lenda do Abuhuku - YouTube
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