Acquisition Category (ACAT) | www.dau.edu
ACAT II programs are programs that do not meet the criteria for ACAT I and are estimated by the DoD Component head to require an eventual total expenditure for RDT&E of more than $200 …
Acquisition Categories (ACATs) | Adaptive Acquisition Framework
All major capability acquisition pathway programs are designated by an ACAT. The ACAT identifies the program’s MDA, required processes, and documents. The details regarding …
Acquisition Category (ACAT) - AcqNotes
2024年2月29日 · There are three (3) Acquisition Categories (ACAT): ACAT I, ACAT II, and ACAT III. ACAT I programs have the highest level of oversight, with ACAT II and ACAT III programs …
ACAT III | www.dau.edu
ACAT III programs are defined as those acquisition programs that do not meet the dollar value thresholds for ACAT II or above, and is not designated a “major system” by the Milestone …
Do You Know Your Acquisition Categories (ACAT)? - DAU
2020年9月23日 · This appendix provides descriptions, dollar thresholds, decision authority, and (where appropriate), the statutory requirement. A particularly handy reference in this Appendix …
Milestone Requirements Matrix - AcqNotes
The Defense Acquisition System divides acquisition programs into four (4) Acquisition Categories (ACAT): ACAT 1, ACAT 1A, ACAT 2 or ACAT 3. The table below lists the mandatory …
Acquisition programs with ACAT designations have clearly defined programmatic requirements in applicable DoD and Department of the Navy (DoN) guidelines, regulations and directives.
2020年8月6日 · Purpose: In accordance with DoD Directive (DoDD) 5135.02, this issuance establishes policy and prescribes procedures that guide the acquisition of major capability …
ACATs are defined in DoDI 5000.85 for MCAs. MTAs and SWPs use an “equivalent” ACAT. DBS pathway programs use BCAT designation defined in DoDI 5000.75. DASA-CE will develop …
Defense Acquisitions: Better Approach Needed to Account for …
In September 2023, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD(A&S)) signed a memo requiring military services and components to provide program data listed in …