【Acer E1-571参数】Acer E1-571系列笔记本电脑参数-ZOL中关村 …
保修12个月的硬件包括:LCD之附件、光驱、DVD、 CDR/W、软驱、Modem卡、网卡、摄像头等其余功能模块和部件。 电池保修3个月,购机后注册成功,电池免费保修延长到12个月。 进 …
Acer Aspire E1 Overview - Laptoping
2012年8月14日 · First of all, the 1.56″ Aspire E1 is Acer’s lowest-end notebook series, if you exclude the Aspire One line which consists of netbooks and entry ultraportable laptops. That said, don’t expect the E1 to meet expectations of those wanting high performance and premium design.
Acer Aspire E1 (570) - full specs, details and review
Complete technical specifications, details, expert ratings and review of Acer Aspire E1 (570). Find out how your chosen laptop stacks up against the competition and whether it's the one that best meets your expectations with the laptop comparison feature.
Acer Aspire E1-472G-6844 Review - Digital Trends
2019年8月23日 · The $599 Acer Aspire E1 is an every man’s laptop that offers good build quality and strong performance at a low price, but it’s held back by a discrete GPU which isn’t as quick as we had ...
Acer Aspire E1 (571G) - full specs, details and review
A detailed list of technical data, specifications, ratings and expert review of Acer Aspire E1 (571G). Get a comprehensive look at your chosen laptop and see if this is the one that will best suit your needs.
【Acer E1-471】最新报价_参数_图片_论坛_Acer E1-471系列笔记 …
Acer E1-471为2012年推出的14英寸学生笔记本,采用二/三代Intel双核处理器,黑色外观,有多种配置可选 。 共有28款产品 >> 综述介绍
要的就是实用耐看 宏碁Aspire E1评测(全文)_Acer E1-471G …
2012年8月14日 · 宏碁e1的高性价比是一大看点,得益于主流处理器核芯和独立显卡的配备,使得整机综合性能表现出色,再加上具备竞争力的市场价格,宏碁e1在3500元这个价位上应该会得到不少学生朋友的肯定。
Acer Aspire E1 - full specs, details and review
Get the key specs, technical data, ratings and full review of Acer Aspire E1 all in one place. Compare your selected model with other alternatives and give your decision on the best laptop a solid base with our comprehensive overview.
Acer Aspire E1 Series - Notebookcheck.net External Reviews
2012年9月24日 · For less than $500, the Acer E1-510P-267 is capable touch-screen Windows 8 laptop for everyday tasks, and it has enough battery life to last several hours unplugged.
【Acer E1-570参数】Acer E1-570系列笔记本电脑参数-ZOL中关村 …
保修12个月的硬件包括:LCD之附件、光驱、DVD、 CDR/W、软驱、Modem卡、网卡、摄像头等其余功能模块和部件。 电池保修3个月,购机后注册成功,电池免费保修延长到12个月。 进 …