Key lime - Wikipedia
The Key lime or acid lime (Citrus × aurantiifolia or C. aurantifolia) is a citrus hybrid (C. hystrix × C. medica) native to tropical Southeast Asia. It has a spherical fruit, 2.5–5 centimetres (1–2 inches) in diameter. The Key lime is usually picked while it is still green, but it becomes yellow when ripe.
Acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) belongs to Family Rutaceae, is one of the four commercially important citrus fruits grown in the country, besides sweet orange, mandarin and lemon. Lime is a versatile tropical fruit with multiple health benefits and give relief from numerous diseases.
Horticulture :: Fruit Crops :: Acid lime
Local varities, PKM1, Vikram and Rasraj are the popular varieties in acid lime. The crop can be cultivated in both Tropical and subtropical climate. It can be grown up to 1000 m above MSL. Deep well drained loamy soils are best suited for the cultivation. The planting is done from December – February and June – September.
Acid Lime Cultivation Practices Information - Agri Farming
2023年12月9日 · Acid limes are one of the best fruits grown and used in India. It is appreciable not only for its appearance and pleasing flavor, excellent fruit qualities. These acid lime are used as fresh fruit, preparing the pickles and many beverages. The best part of it is having plenty of vitamin ‘C’ which can provide good antioxidants.
Nutritional and Medicinal Properties of Acid Lime - ResearchGate
2020年6月30日 · Acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia) belongs to the genus Citrus of family Rutaceae with chromosome number 2n=18. It is originated in India. In India commonly known as nimbu. Other synonyms of nimbu...
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Acid Lime - Horticulture Guruji
2021年5月15日 · Acid lime is a tropical plant. Gajanimma (Citrus pennivesiculata) and rough lemon are the most promising rootstocks of acid lime. The classification of citrus was given by Tanka and Swingle (1945). Spain is the largest exporter of citrus. The ultra-dwarf rootstock of citrus is Flying Dragon. Cultivated up to an altitude of 1000 m or so elevation.
PANTONE 14-0340TCX Acid Lime - 千通彩色库
答 PANTONE 14-0340TCX为绿色相,在HSV色彩空间中PANTONE 14-0340TCX的色调为73度,饱和度为78%,明度为87%,中英文名称是“Acid Lime”
Lime - Sulphuric Acid
Lime reacts readily with all types of acids, both inorganic and organic and weak or strong. There are many different types of lime which vary in their neutralizing power, reactivity and sludge forming characteristics. Lime is derived from limestone which is a naturally occurring substance.
Acil Kokteyl | Shake 8cl whiskey with the juice of ... - Instagram
Enjoy your cocktail… 🇹🇷 8cl viskiyi yarım greyfurt suyu, yarım lime suyu ve 4cl bal şurubu ile shake edin.