ACQ5 – Asthma Control Questionnaire (12+) - Asthma Australia
The ACQ5 is a test that helps you see how well your patient’s asthma is controlled. It asks 5 questions about their asthma symptoms over the past week. Each question has a score from 0 to 6.
Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) - American Thoracic Society
A simple questionnaire to measure the adequacy of asthma control and change in asthma control which occurs either spontaneously or as a result of treatment. Scores range between 0 (totally controlled) and 6 (severely uncontrolled).
ACQ: Cuestionario de control de asma Este cuestionario consta de 5 preguntas que se puntúan de 0 a 6. Se suman los puntos y se divide entre 5. Según el resultado: Menos o igual a 0,75: Control adecuado del asma De 0,75 a 1,50: Asma parcialmente controlada Más de 1,50: Control inadecuado del asma
哮喘控制问卷(ACQ-5/ACQ-7) - MedSci
建议用于5岁以上患者。 1. 平均说来,在过去1周中,您有多少次因哮喘而在夜间醒来? 2.平均说来,在过去1周中,当您早上醒来时,您的哮喘症状平均有多严重? 3.总体来说,在过去1周中,您的口常活动因哮喘受到何种程度的限制? 4.总体来说,在过去1周中,您因为哮喘而呼吸困难吗? 5.总体来说,在过去1周中,您有多少时候出现喘息? 6.平均来说,在过去1周中,您每天使用多少次 (喷)短效支气管舒张剂 (如沙丁胺醇)? 7.支气管舒张剂使用前FEV1。
ACQ5 - www.respirologist.com.au
acq5 ASTHMA CONTROL QUESTIONNAIRE - ACQ-5 When asthma is present, this score can be useful for assessing the current level of control and to track progress over time.
Measurement of Health-Related Quality of Life & Asthma Control
International guidelines for the treatment of asthma have identified that the primary clinical goal of asthma management is to optimise asthma control (minimisation of symptoms, activity limitation, bronchoconstriction and rescue β 2 -agonist use) and thus reduce the risk of life-threatening exacerbations and long-term morbidity.
Circle the number of the response that best describes how you have been during the past week. 1. On average, during the past week, how often were you woken by your asthma during the night? 2. On average, during the past week, how bad were your asthma symptoms when you …
Asthma Assessment Resources - Severe Asthma Toolkit
2022年11月15日 · The ACQ-5 assesses asthma control using the 5-item ACQ-5 questionnaire (Juniper et al. 2005). Alternatively, the ACQ-7 also includes assessment of FEV 1 and daily rescue medication use. An ACQ score <0.75 indicates well-controlled asthma, and >1.5 indicates poorly controlled asthma.
Cuestionario de Control del Asma (ACQ) - aprenderly.com
Los ítems se seleccionaron a partir de una lista de los síntomas más relevantes para poder evaluar el control de asma. Esta lista inicial se mandó a 100 clínicos especialistas en asma a nivel mundial (miembros de los Comités de Guías de Práctica Clínica en sus respectivos países, líderes de opinión, expertos en el manejo del asma ...
Asthma Control - Asthma Australia
Validation of the Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ5) The Asthma Control Questionnaire has been validated by Clinical Trial for adults and is undergoing further testing for all children 7-17 years. It is a recognised clinical asthma symptom measurement tool within the Australian Asthma Handbook Guidelines, 2022 and internationally.