Tutorials. Time spent at an ActEd tutorial will be amongst your most productive study time - our experienced team of tutors will make sure that our tutorials help you to prepare effectively for the exams by taking you through important questions, clarifying key concepts and giving you the motivation to succeed.
Prices - Actuarial Education Company - acted.co.uk
The discounts apply only if you have previously purchased the same or equivalent product in the same subject, or the equivalent old-era subject(s) directly from ActEd in the last 5 years. Discounts do not apply if your original course was supplied through a university or directly by the Profession (the IFoA or IAI).
ActEd eStore home page
Alternatively if your company has prearranged payment facilities with ActEd and you are authorised to make purchases on credit, you may request an invoice to be sent to you. If you are unable to order using this site, please submit an order by email using the Materials Application form or the Tutorial Application form. Your order may take a ...
Tutorials - Actuarial Education Company
ActEd may still be able to provide face-to-face tuition through an in-house tutorial, which can be tailored to meet your specific requirements. In-house tutorials are charged on a fixed fee basis, irrespective of the number of students attending and are guaranteed to run.
Marking - Actuarial Education Company
We have received some requests, through ActEd's Discussion Forum, for graphs showing the scores students achieve on ActEd's Assignments and Mock Exams, split by subject. The graphs are based on scores achieved by students studying for the Winter 2023/24 and Summer 2024 study sessions who submitted their scripts to ActEd for marking.
Experience rating vs exposure rating | Actuarial Education
2025年1月1日 · Hi, I am confused on the distinction between experience rating and exposure rating. The SP8 CMP defines experience rating as: A system by which the premium of each individual risk depends, at least in part, on the actual claims experience of that risk (usually in an earlier period, but...
Topical issues list (updated December 2024) | Page 2 - Actuarial …
2009年3月25日 · Topical issues update for 2022 exams As a brief update on topical issues, ready for the new exam year, the list posted in December 2020 (see above) remains a very useful checklist.
NB strain and solvency - Actuarial Education
2017年4月19日 · Writing new business is likely to result in a worsening solvency because of new business strain. Are the movement breakdown of assets and liabilities as below? Assets Premium income and expenses increase. Depending on the type of contract, net asset impact can be positive or negative...
How to calculate cost of guarantees for Asset Share
2023年7月27日 · 1. As per the descriptions above, the deduction for the cost of providing life cover (any death benefit in excess of asset share) is normally treated separately from the cost of (other) guarantees and options, since the former can be done on an actual cost basis whereas the latter has to be done on a charges basis.
Difference between aggregation and accumulation of risk
2014年6月17日 · [Acted adds: Different sources might include fronting and reciprocal arrangements.] Therefore an insurer could have an accumulation of different interests on the same risk." However the Acted notes in this section do seem to refer to the 2 terms almost interchangeably at times.