act upon是什么意思_act upon的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词 …
We must heed the correct views, and act upon them. 对正确的意见必须听, 并且照它做. Generally speaking, they include tools to act upon data elements and places to put data elements. 一般 …
Act upon - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
1. to take action on a particular problem. (Upon is more formal and less commonly used than on.) I will act on this immediately. 2. to take action because of some special information. The police …
act on/act out/act up/act upon..中文是什麼意思?「act」英文片 …
2018年9月2日 · act up是指「出了毛病」的意思。 例1:My car’s engine began to act up. 我的車的引擎開始出毛病了。 例2:My computer is acting up; I think it’s time to buy a new one.我的 …
acted upon - 英中 – Linguee词典
each organization, specifying whether they require a decision by the legislative or governing body of the organization, or ca n be acted upon by i ts executive head. 该表格指明了与每个 组织有 …
acted upon-翻译为中文-例句英语| Reverso Context
Any reports received from the public, employees or law enforcement agencies which indicate that modern slavery practices have been identified will also be acted upon in the appropriate …
act upon中文,act upon的意思,act upon翻譯及用法 - 英漢詞典
act upon中文的意思、翻譯及用法:對…起作用;按照…行事。英漢詞典提供【act upon】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等
act upon什么意思? act upon翻译(中文英文):遵照行事… 《抓鸟》 …
The teacher acted upon the student's request and gave them extra help. 老师根据学生的要求给了他们额外的帮助。 The lawyer acted upon his client's wishes and filed a lawsuit.
act upon是什么意思_act upon怎么读_act upon英译汉 - 单词乎
act upon是什么意思,act upon怎么读,act upon英译汉:对 起作用有功效;奉行, 按照 而行动;照办 英语解释:v.have and exert influence or effect 同义词:influencewo...,act upon中英例 …
"acted upon"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
To use (something, such as a feeling or suggestion) as a reason or basis for doing something. They never acted on the information they had.
欧路词典|英汉-汉英词典 act upon是什么意思_act upon的中文解释和发音_act upon的翻译_act upon …
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