辅肌动蛋白 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
α-辅肌动蛋白1 (英语:ACTN1) 是 骨骼肌 细胞中 肌动蛋白 附着于 Z线 所必须的 [1],也是其在 平滑肌 中附于电子致密部分所需。 起功能的辅肌动蛋白是反向平行的 二聚体,在 肌节 的细 …
Actinin - Wikipedia
Actinin is a microfilament protein. The functional protein is an anti-parallel dimer, which cross-links the thin filaments in adjacent sarcomeres, and therefore coordinates contractions between …
The actinin family proteins: biological function and clinical ...
The alpha actinin (ACTN) family proteins are actin-bundling proteins that are evolutionarily conserved and possess several functional domains. Vertebrates including humans express …
【讨论】α-actin、β-actin和F-actin、G-actin的区别和联系 - 丁香园 …
Actin大致可分为六种,其中四种是不同肌肉组织特异性的,包括α-skeletal muscle actin,α-cardiac muscle actin,α-smooth muscle actin,和γ-smooth muscle actin;其余两种广泛分布 …
Alpha-actinin: a multidisciplinary protein with important role …
Alpha-actinin (α-actinin) is a ubiquitous cytoskeletal protein, which belongs to the superfamily of filamentous actin (F-actin) crosslinking proteins. It is present in multiple subcellular regions of …
肌动蛋白 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
肌动蛋白 (英語: Actin)是一类 分子量 大约在42,000的 球状蛋白质。 除了已经知道的 线虫 类精子细胞之外,在所有的 真核细胞 当中均发现有该蛋白质,浓度约在100μM以上,其质量约 …
α-Actinin structure and regulation | Cellular and Molecular
2008年5月19日 · Alpha-actinin is a cytoskeletal actin-binding protein and a member of the spectrin superfamily, which comprises spectrin, dystrophin and their homologues and …
Alpha-actinin structure and regulation - PubMed
Alpha-actinin is a cytoskeletal actin-binding protein and a member of the spectrin superfamily, which comprises spectrin, dystrophin and their homologues and isoforms. It forms an anti …
α-Actinin structure and regulation - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
Alpha-actinin is a cytoskeletal actin-binding protein and a member of the spectrin superfamily, which comprises spectrin, dystrophin and their homologues and isoforms. It forms an anti …
The actinin family of actin cross-linking proteins – a genetic ...
Actinins are one of the major actin cross-linking proteins found in virtually all cell types and are the ancestral proteins of a larger family that includes spectrin, dystrophin and utrophin. …