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ESMT - Micro Bridge
The AD52580 is a high efficiency stereo class-D audio amplifier with adjustable power limit function and dynamic temperature control. The loudspeaker driver operates from 8~26V supply voltage and analog circuit operates at 3.3V supply voltage. It can deliver 20W/CH output power into 8Ω loudspeaker within 0.09% THD+N and without external heat sink
新型双声道音频功率放大电路AD52580简介 - 精通维修下载
2018年4月25日 · ad52580是高效d类双声道音频功率放大电路,具有可调功率极限函数和动态温度控制功能,其功放输出供电电压为8v~26v,模拟电路供电电压3.3v,输出功率为20w×2(rl=8、q);单声道btl输出功率为40w×2(rl=4Ω)。
Boom-Box Powered speaker Consumer Audio Equipment. The AD52580B is a high efficiency stereo class-D audio amplifier with adjustable power limit function and dynamic temperature control. The loudspeaker driver operates from 8~26V supply voltage and analog circuit operates at 3.3V supply voltage.
台湾晶豪(ESMT)AD52580音频功放 完美替代TPA3110 …
2020年4月8日 · AD52580是高效D类双声道音频功率放大电路,具有可调功率极限函数和动态温度控制功能,其功放[/backcolor]输出供电电压为8V~26V,模拟电路供电电压3.3V,输出功率为20W×2 ...
AD52580 Datasheet, Amplifier, Elite Semiconductor
The AD52580 is a high efficiency stereo class-D audio amplifier with adjustable power limit function and dynamic temperature control. The loudspeaker driver operates from 8~26V supply voltage and analog circuit operates at 3.3V supply voltage.
台湾晶豪(ESMT)AD52580音频功放 替代TPA3110和EUA2310B
2020年3月31日 · ad52580是高效d类双声道音频功率放大电路,具有可调功率极限函数和动态温度控制功能,其功放输出供电电压为8v~26v,模拟电路供电电压3.3v,输出功率为20w×2(rl=8、q); ...
AD52580 晶豪-ESMT_PDF_数据手册_Datasheet_规格书_晶豪 …
The AD52580 is a high efficiency stereo class-D audio amplifier with adjustable power limit function and dynamic temperature control. The loudspeaker driver operates from 8~26V supply voltage and analog circuit operates at 3.3V supply voltage.
功放IC AD52580 - 百度文库
The AD52580 is a high efficiency stereo class-D audio amplifier with adjustable power limit function and dynamic temperature control. The loudspeaker driver operates from 8~26V supply voltage and analog circuit operates at 3.3V supply voltage.
功放IC AD52580 - 豆丁网
2014年9月29日 · The AD52580 is a high efficiency s tereo clas s -D . audio amplifier with adjus table power limit function . and dynamic temperature control. The louds peaker . driver operates from 8~26V s upply voltage and . analog circuit operates at 3.3V s upply voltage. It can . deliver 20W/CH output power into 8Ω louds peaker
功放IC AD52580 - 道客巴巴
2015年2月17日 · The loudspeaker driver operates from 8~26V supply voltage and analog circuit operates at 3.3V supply voltage. It can deliver 20W/CH output power into 8Ω loudspeaker within 0.09% THD+N and without external heat sink when playing music. AD52580 application, and it can deliver 40W into 4Ω loudspeaker within 0.15% THD+N.