Any idea at all how the AD8656 OPAMP compares to the AD8620?
2012年6月2日 · Okay, using AD8656 in D3 to skip an amp stage has one problem, no volume control since D3 only output line-signal. You'll either have to find a way to digitally control the volume from the source (which generally result in poorer SQ) or use a potentiometer between D3 and your headphone to cut down volume (which isn't ideal either).
Best opamp for audio, operating at +5V only - Head-Fi.org
2007年1月11日 · The AD8656 is a relatively modern (= mostly unknown) device from Analog Devices and is very nice! It's used in the line-out section (after WM8740 DAC) of QLS QA-350 DAP . The newer QA350 v2 uses AD8397 in the headphone-out (HO), replacing v1's MAX9722A.
Any idea at all how the AD8656 OPAMP compares to the AD8620?
2012年6月6日 · By non-portable, I mean you actually need to use D3 with an USB power supply of some sort since D3 doesn't have any internal power supply (battery). Seems to me that you are going the long way to solve a simple problem, which the effort might out-weight the result. Anyway, good luck to your...
iBasso D10 impression, AKA opamp rolling journal
2005年7月11日 · I also compared AD8397 with AD8656 which is supplied as the opamp rolling kit. AD8656 is way better than default opamp. I wonder why iBasso did not use AD8656 as a default opamp. Anyway, AD8656 and AD8397 comparison is depended on personal preference again. AD8656 is more balanced and of dynamic, but AD8397 exhibits more detail , more defined.
Anyone familiar with JRC/NJM 2100? - Head-Fi.org
2005年6月23日 · Well, I could get the bias current to work, but the rest of the specs don't look especially audio friendly, unfortunately. I currently am trying the AD8656 which is a bit smoother than the AD823 with more soundstage and depth, and maybe slightly less bright. Seems like it might be more detailed too, not exactly sure yet.
Popping and crackling noises with iBasso D1 on battery power
2007年11月1日 · I have an iBasso amp with LM4562/OPA2111/AD8656 amps installed. When I play certain songs on battery power, there are noticeable pops and clicks in the song. They are always at the same spots too. When I run it on AC power, I don't get the same pops and clicks. I've provided an example file...
Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2010年10月6日 · J'ai voulu allé plus loin, AD8397 et AD8656 à la place des gris et AD8397 à la place des 2 rouge soit 2 AD8397 espérant que le son serait encore plus beau mais je ne vois pas vraiment de différence, selon Ibasso la batterie supporte AD8397, il faudra surement la recharger plus souvent, mais ce n'est pas grave, seul compte le résultat, d ...
iBasso D10. .UPDATES 1st page, with Current Opamp Choices by …
2009年4月5日 · OK to the best my eyes can do at the moment and starting from the left row AD8656, AD8656 (these are the stock op-amps)LMH6643 next row: AD48412YRZ. AD8066 (highly recommended), LMH6643 third row: 8532 (stock buffer), the first DIP is OPA2132 (BORING), OPA604AP forth row: AD8599, AD8397...
Any recommended low-voltage OPAmps? - Head-Fi.org
2007年6月18日 · I'd like to mod my amp, but it's driven by 2 Li-batteries. Is it any good OPAmps can be driven by +/- 3.7V or less? Pls advise. Thanks in advance.
iBasso D10. .UPDATES 1st page, with Current Opamp Choices by …
2009年1月9日 · The D10 is out! With optical in, Coax in, amp only, dac only or both, a run time of 20 to 30 hours and this time, gain control, it will offer many features on the fly. Sockets, so you can roll opamps and a kit with opamps will come with it. There are a …