ADA ADA AJA - republik - YouTube
full video] official video "ADA ADA AJA" Global tv host by Dave Hendrik
Ada-Ada Aja - YouTube
Provided to YouTube by Redrose RecordsAda-Ada Aja · Isyana SarasvatiAda-Ada Aja℗ REDROSE RECORDSReleased on: 2023-11-10Producer: Isyana SarasvatiProducer: Ke...
Ada-Ada Aja - Isyana Sarasvati (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube
Selamat menikmati, karena hidup ini memang ada adaaaa aja :)Komposisi oleh adaaaa deeeh ya siapa lagi ga sii wkwkk Lirik tentu oleh Inyong SarasvatiTerima k...
"Ada ada aja"是什么意思? -关于印尼语 - HiNative
ada ada aja digunakan ketika anda merasa heran melihat seseorang karena keunikan mereka (biasanya tulalit atau ceroboh). kata2 itu digunakan hanya untuk ekspresi saja. @laosirirat 我覺得你的印尼語還不錯。加油💪
What is the meaning of "Ada ada aja"? - Question about Indonesian
'Ada ada aja' is used when you feel surprised seeing someone because of their uniqueness (usually silly or careless). Those words are used just for expression. @laosirirat I think your Indonesian is not bad.
【Ada ada aja】とはどういう意味ですか? - インドネシア語に …
「ada ada aja」は、誰かのユニークさ(通常は愚かさや不注意)を見て驚いたときに使います。 この言葉は表現のためだけに使われます。 @laosirirat あなたのインドネシア語はまだ悪くないと思います。
How do you say "ada ada aja ya. maksudnya itu tdk masuk akal.
Ada-ada aja! this phrase is used for exclamation stating that words fail one. It also can be used when you want to say "What a nonsense!", "are you pulling my leg?" example Ana : "Kucingku terpeleset gara gara kulit pisang." Ani : "Hah? Ada ada aja kucingmu." Another example Ana : "Aku bisa mengetik 100 kata per menit, percaya tidak?"
What is the meaning of "ada ada saja"? - Question about Indonesian
2022年7月5日 · it has no equivalence in English but the meaning is 'you flatter me' (its not a negative phrase, it is widely used here) context : A : Kayaknya kamu bisa nih jadi super model (I think you could even be a super model) B : Ah, bapak bisa aja...
apa "kamu ada-ada aja!" artinya? - italki
Ada-ada aja! this phrase is used for exclamation stating that words fail one. It also can be used when you want to say "What a nonsense!", "are you pulling my leg?" Please follow this link to know how to use that phrase in some contexts reference http://books.google.com.au/books?id=hVo2ZDYbL6gC&printsec=frontcover&dq=A+Comprehensive+Indonesian ...
Ada-ada Aja In Indonesian - Pak Guru Iman
2020年10月14日 · Ada-ada Aja In Movie Scenes. This clip is taken from an Indonesian movie called Milea: Suara Dari Dilan. Let's watch the clip.