阿达德 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿卡德语 中的 阿达德 (Adad [1])和 苏美语 中的 伊什库尔 (Ishkur)以及 亚拉姆语 中的 哈达德 (Hadad)都是 巴比伦 - 亚述 神殿中风暴神的名字。 所有这三个名字通常都用 语标符号 写 …
Adad | Storm God, Ancient Near East, Thunder God | Britannica
Adad, weather god of the Babylonian and Assyrian pantheon. The name Adad may have been brought into Mesopotamia toward the end of the 3rd millennium bc by Western (Amorite) …
Adad - Encyclopedia.com
ADAD is the Old Akkadian and Assyro-Babylonian name of the ancient Middle Eastern storm god, called Adda (Addu) or Hadda (Haddu) in northwest Semitic areas and known later as Hadad, …
Adad - Mesopotamian Gods & Kings
(Adad) the protector of Larsa, the helper of Sîn-iddinam on the battlefield, who stands in combat with the troops at his side, the great lord, the canal administrator of An and Enlil, whose …
巴比伦诸神阿达德(Adad) - 百度知道
2024年6月3日 · 巴比伦诸神阿达德(Adad)在古代两河流域的文明中,巴比伦和亚述的天空主宰是一位至关重要的神祇,他被称为Adad,苏美尔语中则是伊西库尔(Ishkur)。他是风暴的化 …
每日一词-名词(Adad 阿达德) - 百家号
2022年12月26日 · Adad 阿达德 巴比伦和亚述掌管天气的大神。 阿达德一词可能在公元前 3 千纪末由西闪米特人传至美索不达米亚。 同一神在苏美尔人中称伊希库尔( Ishkur ),在西闪米 …
Adad - Myth Encyclopedia - mythology, god, ancient, animal, …
Adad was the god of weather in the Babylonian and Assyrian cultures of Mesopotamia * in the ancient Near East. Other cultures in the region called the god Ishkur, Rimmon, Addu, Hadad, …
Overview of Adad Mesopotamian God - Old World Gods
Adad, also known as Ishkur in Sumerian mythology and Hadad for the Canaanites, is the ancient Mesopotamian god of the weather. He holds a dual role, both as giver and destroyer of life. …
Adad / Ishkur, 3rd Son To Enlil, 2nd Son To Enlil’s Spouse Ninlil ...
59 - Adad inside his sky-disc / flying saucer atop his bull symbol of Taurus. 59a - Adad & his sky-disc / flying saucer, Taurus the Bull. 27 - Adad with a single row of animal horns, ancient …
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