Adam A7x pro monitors review, an audiophile's review.
2019年12月1日 · They are the best thing in your setup if you can get past the disconnect between woofer and tweeter and the peculiar timbre of Adam’s woofers and tweeters. also the air is raised distortion. Very good AMTs like Adam X art tweeter still have much greater distortion than soft domes but are voiced to sound airy or a bit dull.
HELP!!! Adam A7x or Neumann KH120 - The Gear Page
2022年3月16日 · I can get a used set of adam a7x for $990 after tax or a brand new set of Neumann kh120 for $1180. Ive listened to the Adams before but not the Neumanns. Which do I choose? Im not getting a sub. I mix and record everything from rock to EDM music. Adams are definitely a little large for my desk and I mix fairly close to the speakers.
Burn-in time for Adam A7X monitors - The Gear Page
2020年9月2日 · With ribbon tweeters, like in the Adam A7x, you can expect the ribbon material to stretch significantly after a few hours of use. It's not so much the material itself stretching, its the corrugations in the material. As they're moved, the folds will come slightly unfolded until a homeostasis is reached.
Adam A5X or A7X? - The Gear Page
2012年7月11日 · I have a pair of A7x but use with a 12" sub.. I would think the A5's would image (stereo) better but require a sub for translation of full range to a mix... My A7x is in a equallateral triangle (7' on a side) for my mixing and elevated to near ear level (tweeter). I'm in near field. Small room, the A7s with no sub should be good as well..
The hiss of studio monitors - The Gear Page
2019年11月15日 · - Adam T7V - Kali LP-6 and LP-8 - The JBL LSR series (305 or 306) - Iloud micro monitors (so this is my list of contenders) Some people really state that the hiss can be very noticeable and annoying. Of course this tame my desire for studio monitors (maybe I'm extreme, I …
Looking for opinions on the Adam a7x's? - The Gear Page
2010年8月24日 · Hey guys, I'm in the market for new monitors and there are good deals out there on the Adam a7's. But I'm wondering about the a7x's? Anyone try or (better yet) have them? Are they worth the extra money?
KRK KNS 6400 review (vs ADAM A7X studio monitors)
2016年2月19日 · Lows: They are not very punchy, 100-200Hz they sound pretty much like A7X, just flat, tho big decline of bass <100Hz is very noticable. You'd need another set of headphones or good analyzer like IXL or SPAN to mix low end on these. 3db+ <100Hz shelf really helps, but in general, you'd need some help.
Small powered desktop monitors needed similar to Adam A7X
2019年12月18日 · Hi guys, I’m looking for a set of powered monitors similar to the Adam a7X powered monitor speakers, but not quite that expensive. I have the a7X in my home studio, but will be setting up another office at my church, but unfortunately, don’t have the funds to buy the Adam a7X. I was hoping you...
KEF LS50 Meta vs HEDD Type 07: An (un)fair comparison
2021年3月10日 · I know frenchbat has these speakers and I know Voldemike uses Adam A77Xs. I also liked what I heard from the Adam A7Xs and the larger S3H when I compared the studio monitors available at the justmusic store near me. I thought the HEDD Type 07 would essentially be an improved Adam A7X, so I was very interested in trying them. Two, the KEF LS50 Meta.
Adam A3x vs A5x for my small room - The Gear Page
2020年4月17日 · Well, Adam A3x's are on route from Music Store Live (great deal). Should be here Monday-ish. I realize that a 4.5" speaker isn't the best for bass and I'll need to rely on my headphones to monitor and mix the low end accurately, but from a budget, space, and quality perspective, I think (hope) the A3x are the best option for my needs.