Use apps in Google Chat
Use the integration menu to interact with the app On your computer, open Google Chat or Gmail. If the app is installed through "Find apps" in "New chat," select a conversation or space. Tip: If the app you want to use isn't installed yet, click View more apps for Chat, then install the app. On the left of the compose bar, click Google Workspace ...
Use Google Chat in Gmail
You get the same features in Chat and Chat in Gmail, but the integrated Gmail experience provides a central location to communicate with friends, family, or coworkers between emails. Chat: Use when you prefer a dedicated chat experience and …
Sign in & access Google Chat - Computer - Google Chat Help
Use Chat at work or school If you have a work or school account that’s part of Google Workspace, you can use Chat to communicate in large spaces, small groups, or with another person. Before you use Chat, your organization needs to set up Chat. If you don’t see Chat, reach out to your administrator. Learn how to find your administrator.
Add or remove someone in a direct message
To add someone to a direct message (DM) with two or more people in Google Chat, add them to the member list or mention them in the message.
Install the Google Chat standalone app
For a simple way to use Google Chat, install the Google Chat standalone app in your Chrome Browser. This provides a streamlined Chat experience and is a Progressive Web Application (PWA) that you can open from your desktop.
Learn how to use Google Chat
In Google Chat, you can ask quick questions, send direct messages (DMs), collaborate in group chats, create virtual spaces for team projects, and more. In this article Navigate around Chat Change section display preferences Create a DM or space Send & …
Sign in and access Google Chat - Computer - Google Chat Help
Use Chat at work or school If you have a work or school account that's part of Google Workspace, you can use Chat to communicate in large spaces, small groups or with another person. Before you use Chat, your organisation needs to set it up. If you can't see Chat, contact your administrator. Learn how to find your administrator. Related resources Learn how to use Google Chat Use Google Chat in ...
How can I add someone to my Google Chat contacts?
Google Chat is a product where to have someone populating in the product is to actually start a conversation with them or creating a space with them or adding them to a space.
Chat with customers from your Business Profile - Google Help
In the "Chat" section, click the Down arrow . In the drop down that opens, select either Text message or WhatsApp. In the “Number” or "URL" field, add a phone number that can receive text messages or your WhatsApp click to chat URL. Click Save. Tips: If you add both options, only the text message option will be shown to customers.
Turn Google Chat notifications on or off
If you’re idle on Gmail or Google Chat on your computer, Google Chat notifications are sent to your mobile device instead of your computer. By default, you’re considered idle on your computer if you’re inactive in Gmail or Google Chat on your computer for more than 30 seconds, even if you’re still active on your web browser.