AdonisJS - A fully featured web framework for Node.js
AdonisJS is a TypeScript-first web framework for building web apps and API servers. It comes with support for testing, modern tooling, an ecosystem of official packages, and more.
AdonisJS Framework - GitHub
AdonisJS is a TypeScript-first web framework for building web apps and API servers. It comes with support for testing, modern tooling, an ecosystem of official packages, and more. TypeScript 17.6k 643
Introduction | AdonisJS 5 Documentation
AdonisJS is a backend framework for Node.js. The framework is written in TypeScript, and the application you will create using AdonisJS is also going to be in TypeScript. We are very particular about how we leverage TypeScript and maintain a good balance between the static type safety and the visual noise.
框架简介 | 开始 |《AdonisJS 中文文档 5.x》| AdonisJS / NodeJS
AdonisJS 是 Node.js 的后端框架。 该框架是用 TypeScript 编写的,你将使用 AdonisJS 创建的应用程序也将使用 TypeScript。 我们非常注重如何利用 TypeScript 并在静态类型安全和视觉噪音之间保持良好的平衡。 如果你从未使用过 TypeScript,我们建议你先学习该语言的基础知识,然后再使用 AdonisJS。 我们还希望你熟悉 Node.js 生态系统和一般的异步编程。 假设你来自 PHP 或 Ruby 等线程语言。 在这种情况下,我们建议自学 Node.js 事件循环,并了解它与线程环境的不 …
Installation (Getting started) | AdonisJS Documentation
AdonisJS - View application routes, run ace commands, migrate the database, and read documentation directly from your code editor. Edge - Supercharge your development workflow with support for syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and code snippets.
AdonisJS - Unlike any other Node.js framework
AdonisJS is not yet another micro-framework or a wrapper on top of everything that already exists. Instead, we have written AdonisJS from scratch to be simple, elegant, and opinionated. If you have worked with Rails or Laravel, you will feel right at home.
Introduction (Preface) | AdonisJS Documentation
AdonisJS is a TypeScript-first web framework for Node.js. You can use it to create a full-stack web application or a JSON API server. At the fundamental level, AdonisJS provides structure to your applications , configures a seamless TypeScript development environment , configures HMR for your backend code, and offers a vast collection of well ...
kavience/adonisjs-cn: adonisjs中文文档 - GitHub
AdonisJs 和 Laravel 有什么关系? 最大的区别在于前者是用 JavaScript 作为开发语言,运行在 node 环境下,管理包依赖使用的是 npm ;后者是使用 PHP 作为开发语言,运行在 Apache 、 Nginx、IIS 等 web 容器下,管理包依赖使用的是 composer 。
GitHub - adonisjs/core: AdonisJS is a TypeScript-first web …
AdonisJS is a TypeScript-first web framework for building web apps and API servers. It comes with support for testing, modern tooling, an ecosystem of official packages, and more.
Installation | AdonisJS 5 Documentation
AdonisJS is a Node.js framework, and hence it requires Node.js to be installed on your computer. To be precise, we need at least the latest release of Node.js v14. You can check the Node.js and npm versions by running the following commands.