Aechor Petal - Aether Wiki
Aechor Petals are a drop from Aechor Plants, and they drop them when killed. Usage [] They are used to tame Moas. When Moa Eggs hatch upon being incubated in an Incubator, they will periodically display a status message above their heads that reads "Hungry", which indicates that they must be fed with an Aechor Petal. Data values []
Aechor Petal (The Aether) - Official Aether Project Wiki
Aechor petals are an item dropped by aechor plants. They are primarily used to feed moas. Aechor plants have a chance to drop 1 aechor petal on death. Using an aechor petal on a hatched moa when it is angry will increase it's growth stage. After feeding a moa 3 times with aechor petals, it will fully grow up. Don't Count Your Moas...
Aechor Plant - Aether Wiki
Aechor Plants are hostile mobs native to the The Aether. Aechor Plants spawn on Aether Grass and in multiple groups of 1-3 plants. They also spawn in different sizes, and larger Aechor Plants have more health.
箭毒花瓣 (Aechor Petal) - [AE]天境 (The Aether) - MC百科
在玩家击杀箭毒花后,箭毒花就会掉落1~2片箭毒花瓣。 这种花瓣是恐鸟们最喜爱的食物之一,你可以使用它们来喂养你的 恐鸟。 ——喂养蓝色恐鸟需要3片,白色需要4片,而黑色需要8片。 (话说恐鸟吃这种玩意真的没问题么……) 小贴士:MC百科官方不会在短评中发布Mod下载,请支持 [官方正版下载] 与 [MC百科正版下载] 。 箭毒花瓣 (Aechor Petal)资料的介绍页面,此资料来自模组 [AE]天境 (The Aether),我的世界MOD百科,提供Minecraft (我的世界)MOD (模组)物 …
Aechor Petal | The Aether Wiki: Genesis of the Void | Fandom
Aechor Petal is a material item found in the Aether. Aechor Petals are a drop from Aechor Plants, and they drop them when killed. They are used to tame Moas, as three are required to tame a Blue Moa, four to tame a White Moa, and eight to tame a Black Moa.
Aechor Petal (The Aether) - Official Feed The Beast Wiki
The Aechor Petal is an item added by The Aether. They are obtained by killing Aechor Plants, which drop 2 upon death. Aechor Petals are used for crafting Poison Darts and for feeding Baby Moas.
Aechor Petal/AetherI - Aether Wiki
Aechor Petal is a material item found in the Aether. Aechor Petals are a drop from Aechor Plants, and they drop them when killed. They are used to tame Moas. When Moa Eggs hatch upon being incubated in an Incubator, they will periodically display …
Struggling to design an Aechor plant farm (Heavens of Sorcery ... - Reddit
2021年10月18日 · Aechor plants will drop their petals if killed through suffocation, burning, drowning (as long as the water isn't pushing them), and presumably other forms of non-player kills. They can be killed with lava, but the drops will burn if they die while the lava is still present. They can only spawn on Aether grass.
Aechor Petal - Craftland Minecraft Aether Server
The Aechor Petal is dropped by killing the Aechor Plant. Usage. The main use of an Aechor Petal is to grow a Hatched Moa into an Adult Moa. These petals are also used for healing a Moa 10 hitpoints (5 hearts) and crafting the Poison Shooter. This item is …
箭毒花 (Aechor Plant) - 天境二 (The Aether II) - MC百科
箭毒花会以1~3个一群的形式生成于 空叶草方块 上,并且具备小型(12点生命)、中型(14点生命)、大型(16点生命)、巨型(18点生命)四个级别的体型,尽管事实上它们的体型差距极小,极难被看出来。 作为一种以实体形式实现的 植物,箭毒花并无任何移动能力,且当其下方的所有 天壤 方块及其变种被全部移除时,它们会落到地上并立即死亡。 箭毒花会向过于靠近它们或是攻击了它们的玩家以1.5s一次的频率射出与 鸡蛇 相似的毒箭,造成1点伤害和10s的反胃+中 …