Alternative AEFIE-EFIE method for broadband CEM modeling | IEEE ...
Published in: 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility
Multi-Resolution Preconditioned Augmented EFIE for ... - IEEE Xplore
In this paper, a novel multi-resolution preconditioned augmented electric field integral equation (MR-AEFIE) suitable for adaptive h-refinement based on residua
Improved A-EFIE System for Electromagnetic Simulation in ... - IEEE …
2022年5月31日 · In this letter, the quasi-Helmholtz projectors are applied to address numerical cancellation of augmented electric field integral equation (A-EFIE). The projectors rescale the term ⋅ k0j and right-hand side to guarantee that the solution is stable at very low frequency.
To overcome the high frequency breakdown of AEFIE and low frequency breakdown of EFIE, a novel unified integral equation approach, alternative AEFIE-EFIE method, is proposed to deliver the broadband accuracy and stability without using loop-tree decomposition and manual switching for different frequencies.
2016年8月9日 · 近日,从在北京办的2016年IEEE MTTs数值电磁多物理建模及优化国际会议传来喜讯,电子工程学院博士生贾苗苗凭借论文《Study of Time Normalization for TD-AEFIE at Low Frequencies》获得“学生论文奖”第一名。
Alternative AEFIE‐EFIE method for broadband CEM simulations
2012年4月14日 · Augmented electric field integral equation (AEFIE) method overcomes the low frequency breakdown. However, its performance degrades with the increasing frequency. To obtain a unified method that works for both low and high frequencies, a novel method using the EFIE complement process inside AEFIE is proposed.
Alternative AEFIE-EFIE method for broadband CEM modeling
2012年8月1日 · To obtain a unified method that works for both low and high frequencies without manual switching of methods, a novel and simple method is proposed in this paper. It uses AEFIE and EFIE to...
Augmentation of Integral Equations for Low-Frequency Analysis of ... - IEEE
2021年11月14日 · In this talk, the speaker proposes hybrid field integral equations (HFIEs) for describing the EM problems with penetrable media or lossy conductors and extends to augmented HFIEs (AHFIEs) for low-frequency analysis. The HFIEs consist of the EFIE of describing the exterior of the object and the MFIE of describing its interior.
Curvilinear Nonconformal Adaptive h -Refinement Using ... - IEEE …
The article proposes a multiresolution preconditioned augmented electric-field integral equation (MR-AEFIE) suitable for adaptive h-refinement based on residual error estimation to analyze the radiation and scattering from complex objects.
It is shown that the proposed Calderón preconditioned AEFIE is a resonant-free for- mulation, and has a fast convergence rate for an iterative solution. Numerical examples are given to...
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