AELER | Containers for modern logistics
Accelerate your logistics transformation with the most efficient, cost-effective and sustainable shipping container solution for your cargo. Where enhanced structure meets best-in-class …
Unit One |The first smart container by design - AELER
Ship smarter, cheaper, and more sustainably with Unit One. The Unit One 20ft container is crafted from advanced composites with smooth, rust-free surfaces, offering unmatched strength and durability. Its superior insulation keeps your cargo safer from temperature fluctuations.
Aeler’s all-in-one container
Shipping liquids in flexitanks is seen as a key target market for Swiss logistics technology firm Aeler. In autumn last year, Lausanne-based start-up Aeler officially launched its new generation container, Unit One, following an initial funding round of CHF7.5 million.
瑞士工程科技公司Aeler Technologies开发智能海运集装箱,提升 …
利用智能传感器、物联网以及GPS等技术,Aeler可实时数字化监控集装箱内部环境及货物运输状态;通过采用先进复合材料,Aeler大幅提升了集装箱有效 ...
Swiss start-up AELER and its smart containers | Lombard Odier
2024年9月6日 · This large metal box, which first appeared in the 1950s, has barely evolved since the 1970s. That is precisely where AELER has set itself apart, with containers made from insulated, innovative composite materials, onboard sensors, and web connectivity that provides real-time access to a rich array of data, including GPS tracking, temperature ...
Lightweight Unit One gives shipping containers the high-tech …
2022年10月21日 · It's easy to think of shipping containers as simple metal boxes, that can't be significantly improved. The Unit One container, however, is claimed to be lighter, stronger and more...
自重轻和容量大的 AELER 智能集装箱 为航运业降低成本和碳排放 …
2022年11月19日 · AELER 创造了更轻、更坚固和更智能的海运集装箱,可保护货物免受温度变化的影响,可减少 10% 至 20% 的运输二氧化碳排放量,并且提供在途货物的实时监控。
AELER's innovative containers revolutionize sustainable logistics
2024年2月12日 · AELER’s containers are designed to be stronger, insulated, intelligent, and more durable, offering a higher payload and catering to a wide range of industries. This innovation not only meets the modern demands of logistics but also aligns with the …
AELER - LinkedIn
Smart containers for modern logistics | AELER is transforming logistics with next-generation smart containers, combining advanced materials and state-of-the-art technology.
AELER Technologies - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
AELER is an AI-driven company designing hardware and software to meet fundamental logistics needs: efficiency, visibility & sustainability. AELER has created the world's most advanced shipping container. The AELER container is lighter, stronger, protects goods against temperature changes, enables 10 to 20% transportation CO2 savings and