Home - African Family Health Organization
Stay up to date with the latest from AFAHO! We provide culturally sensitive health, human and educational services to African and Caribbean immigrants and refugees in greater Philadelphia.
Asociación de Futbolistas de Honduras | Futbolistas Honduras ...
A través de estas actividades, la AFHO refuerza su compromiso con el crecimiento del fútbol en Honduras, promoviendo el bienestar de los futbolistas y el desarrollo integral del deporte en nuestro país. La AFHO continúa trabajando por un fútbol más fuerte, inclusivo y profesional.
Health Services - African Family Health Organization - AFAHO
AFAHO’S Health Programs are built on a unique peer support model that uses shared language, cultural expertise, advocacy, lived experiences and system navigation knowledge to help individuals and families overcome social determinants and improve their health outcomes.
The members of the Association of Federal Health Organizations (“AFHO”) are carriers of nationwide experience-rated FEHB plans which provide health benefits to over 75% of these enrollees.1.
AFHHO | Empowering Africans and the Black diaspora in Portland
AFHHO is a nonprofit that empowers African immigrant and black diaspora families through comprehensive health, education, and support services.
Afhco | Affordable Housing and Retail Spaces in Johannesburg
We give Johannesburg inhabitants a sense of dignity by providing the homes and business opportunities that they deserve. The Afhco residential and retail spaces are safe, secure, clean and well-maintained, while still remaining cost-effective for the tenants.
Our Mission - African Family Health Organization - AFAHO
The African Family Health Organization (AFAHO) is an ethnic, community-based organization that provides health, human and educational services to African and Caribbean immigrants and refugees (ACIR) in the greater Philadelphia area.
Air Force Historical Support Division > Home
AFHSD primarily researches and writes the history of Headquarters Air Force, and also provides historical information, analysis, and perspective to Air Force leaders and their staffs in support of planning policy development and decision making.
Armed Forces Welfare Housing Organization
Armed Forces Welfare Housing Organization (AFWHO) is an organization that is dedicatedly functioning with the sole objective of initiating, promoting, and executing welfare activities for serving and retired Armed Forces officials, including the Paramilitary and Police Forces.
The Army Family Housing Master Plan (Master Plan) provides a comprehensive picture of the Army’s plan to ensure adequate and affordable housing to those who are authorized Army Family Housing (AFH). This plan is updated annually.