Aframax - Wikipedia
An Aframax vessel is an oil tanker with a deadweight between 80,000 and 120,000 metric tonnes. [1] The term is based on the Average Freight Rate Assessment (AFRA), a tanker rate system created in 1954 by Shell Oil to standardize shipping contract terms. [2] Due to their favorable size, Aframax tankers can serve most ports in the world.
Oil tanker sizes range from general purpose to ultra-large crude ...
2014年9月16日 · A classification used to describe a large portion of the global tanker fleet is AFRAMAX. AFRAMAX vessels refer to ships between 80,000 and 120,000 deadweight tons. This ship size is popular with oil companies for logistical purposes, and, therefore, many ships have been built within these specifications.
阿芙拉型 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2023年5月6日 · 阿芙拉型船(Aframax)是一种载重小于120000吨,宽度超过32.31米的油轮 [1] 。 阿芙拉型油轮广泛的应用于 黑海 盆地, 北海 , 加勒比海 , 东海 及 南海 和 地中海 。
What are Panamax and Aframax Tankers? - Marine Insight
2021年8月20日 · ‘Aframax’ comes from the Average Freight Rate Assessment (AFRA) system. Aframax tankers became popular because of the size constraints posed when large oil tankers entered busy and congested sea routes.
The Ultimate Aframax Guide - Shipping and Commodity Academy
2022年12月9日 · Aframax tankers are ideally utilised for voyages of short to medium distances. Common trade routes of Aframax tankers are in, but not limited to, the Black Sea, North Sea, Mediterranean Sea, South and East China Seas, and the Caribbean Sea.
什么是阿芙拉型油轮 - 百度知道
什么是阿芙拉型油轮一、超大型油轮(VLCC) VLCC是载运量为20万至30万吨超大型油轮的英文缩写二、苏伊士型油轮(Suezmax) 每艘15万吨级左右三、阿芙拉型油轮(Aframax) 每艘10万吨级左右四、成品油轮(Pro
什么是阿芙拉型船 - 百度知道
阿芙拉型(aframax)一般是指吨位在10-12万吨的原油轮。 这种类型的油轮一般尺寸为,吃水14米左右,船长230米,船宽42米。 承载量在60-70万桶。
阿芙拉型油轮 - 国际船舶网
2015年6月6日 · 标签: 油轮 Aframax 指载重量在8-10万吨级的油船。 该型船设计吃水一般控制在12.20米,设计载重量不超过8万载重吨,此船舶可以停靠大部分北美港口,并可获得最佳经济性。
Aframax级超级油轮 - 百度百科
2020年列入俄主要科技成就评述,首个俄产Aframax级超级油轮投入运营。 [1]
2021年10月3日 · 2、阿芙拉型(Aframax) 阿芙拉型船通常是指载重吨为12万吨左右的中型油轮。 这个名字来自于壳牌Shell19世纪50年代中期开发的平均运费指数(AFRA,Average Freight Rate Assessment)标准。