Surface photogalvanic effect in Ag2Te - Nature Communications
2024年7月5日 · In this study, we demonstrate a large intrinsic photocurrent response in centrosymmetric topological insulator Ag 2 Te, attributed to the surface photogalvanic effect …
Silver telluride - Wikipedia
Silver telluride (Ag 2 Te) is a chemical compound, a telluride of silver, also known as disilver telluride or silver (I) telluride. It forms a monoclinic crystal. In a wider sense, silver telluride can …
Observation of giant room-temperature anisotropic …
2024年2月10日 · Here, we observe a high anisotropic magnetoresistance ratio of −39% and a giant planar Hall effect (520 μΩ⋅cm) at room temperature under 9 T in β-Ag2Te crystals grown …
Thermoelectric properties of Ag2Te prepared by one-step hot …
2023年5月15日 · Silver telluride (Ag2Te) is a typical Ag-based binary fast ionic conductor material. At room temperature, Ag2Te exists as a monoclinic structure (β -Ag 2 Te) with an …
Electronic Topological Transition in Ag2Te at High-pressure ...
2015年9月30日 · Here, we report an enhanced topological nature and determination of high-pressure crystal structures for Ag 2 Te by in-situ high-pressure resistivity measurements up to …
Highly efficient two-dimensional Ag2Te cathode catalyst featuring …
2022年9月1日 · 2D structure derived catalytic anisotropy of Ag2Te with a layer structure stacked by chemical bond connected Ag-Te tetrahedral layers as the cathode catalyst in Li-oxygen …
Thermoelectric properties of α- and β-Ag2Te - ScienceDirect
2005年5月3日 · Ag 2 Te has three structural modifications; the α monoclinic phase is stable below 418 K, the cubic β -phase is stable from 418 to 1075 K, and the γ -phase is stable from 1075 …
碲化银 - 百度百科
Beta-Ag2Te: A topological insulator with strong anisotropy
2012年4月17日 · Our first-principles calculations show that beta-Ag2Te is a topological insulator with a gapless Dirac cone with strong anisotropy. To experimentally probe the topological …
碲化银AG2TE_化工百科 - ChemBK
碲化银ag2te - 性质 它是一种黑色晶体固体,在室温下具有金属光泽。 碲化银(I)是一种半导体材料,具有良好的热电性能,可用于制备热电材料和设备。