Agassou - Wikipedia
Agassou[1] (also Ati-A-Sou) is a loa who guards the old traditions of Dahomey in the West African Vodun religion and the rada loa of Haitian Vodou. Agassou is the product of a divine mating—his mother was princess Aligbonu and is said to have mated with a leopard, giving birth to Agassou.
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AGASU está formada por profesionales de la sumillería, enología, restauración, la hostelería, la distribución y la elaboración de productos con una relación directa en el servicio del vino, licores y demás productos propios del sector.
American Gods: Coming to America. 1778. Summary & Analysis
In 1791, Agasu (now called Hyacinth and Big One-Arm) takes part in the slave revolt—channeling the spirit of Elegba as the slaves fight for freedom. After 12 years, the slaves manage to take control of the island, but Agasu never gets to see the Republic of …
Obafemi Origunwa - OBAFEMIO.COM
2015年11月28日 · Many variations to Dahomey’s origin myth and the establishment of their dynasty of rulers recount that a Tado princess, Aligbonu, mated with a leopard spirit and subsequently gave birth to a son, Agasu. Agasu became the tohwiyo (mythical founder) of the Agasu lineage and priesthood.
2017年8月9日 · • Agasou is a war chief from the neighbouring Yoruba city-state Oyo, exiled for aggression and nicknamed Kpo for his ferocious nature. • Agasou is that war chief exiled, not for aggression, but because his magic powers made others nervous: he …
Agassou - Wikiwand
Agassou is a loa who guards the old traditions of Dahomey in the West African Vodun religion and the rada loa of Haitian Vodou.
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Agassou - AceArchive
2023年2月22日 · Agassou, the powerful loa of the Dahomey tradition in West African Vodun, is a deity venerated in Haitian Vodou and Folk Catholicism. He is known for his patronage of leopards, money, magicians, Thursday, and West Africa. His attributes include the colors white, brown, and gold, as well as the crab, spears, shields, mirror, and cigarettes.
Agassou | Voodoo Wiki | Fandom
Agassou (also Ati-A-Sou) is a loa, or deity, who guards the old traditions of Dahomey in the West African Vodun. religion and the rada loa of Haitian Vodou. Agassou is the product of a divine mating—his mother was a princess and is said to have mated with a …