GenAge: The Ageing Gene Database - Senescence
Welcome to GenAge, the benchmark database of genes related to ageing. GenAge is divided into genes related to longevity and/or ageing in model organisms (yeast, worms, flies, mice, etc.) and ageing-related human genes.
Genetics of aging - Wikipedia
Genetics of aging is generally concerned with life extension associated with genetic alterations, rather than with accelerated aging diseases leading to reduction in lifespan. The first mutation found to increase longevity in an animal was the age-1 gene in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Aging and aging-related diseases: from molecular mechanisms to ...
2022年12月16日 · Aging is a gradual and irreversible pathophysiological process. It presents with declines in tissue and cell functions and significant increases in the risks of various...
The genetics of human ageing - Nature Reviews Genetics
2019年11月5日 · We describe three key accelerated ageing (progeroid) genetic disorders in humans and review evidence on the accumulation of somatic mutations with advancing age, with these two sections providing...
Aging-related gene sets - National Genomics Data Center
On this page we provide viewing and downloading functions for aging-related gene sets. All included genes are collected from aging-related literature and manually annotated. All gene sets are divided into ten sub-categories.
The Genetic Theory of Aging, Concepts, and Evidence - Verywell …
2025年1月7日 · What Is the Genetic Theory of Aging? Your DNA may predict more about you than the way you look. According to the genetic theory of aging, your genes (as well as mutations in those genes) are responsible for how long you'll live. Here's what you should know about genes and longevity, and where genetics fits in among the various theories of aging.
Nature子刊: 一组新的基因识别衰老细胞并预测跨组织的衰老相关 …
近日,来自 明尼苏达州罗切斯特市 梅奥诊所内分泌科的研究者们在Nature Communications杂志上发表了题为“A new gene set identifies senescent cells and predicts senescence-associated pathways across tissues”的文章,该研究揭示了SenMayo是一个具有潜在临床应用价值的监测衰老 …
Multivariate genome-wide analysis of aging-related traits …
2023年8月7日 · We apply genomic structural equation modeling (genomic SEM) 14 to summary-level GWASs on healthspan 9, parental lifespan 1, extreme longevity 8, frailty 11 and epigenetic aging 10 to construct a...
Aging Atlas: a multi-omics database for aging biology - PubMed
2021年1月8日 · Aging Atlas provides user-friendly functionalities to explore age-related changes in gene expression, as well as raw data download services. Aging Atlas is freely available at https://bigd.big.ac.cn/aging/index.
Human Ageing Genomic Resources
Search a single gene, a list or leave blank for all HAGR genes. A major resource in HAGR is GenAge, which includes a curated database of over 300 genes related to human ageing and a database of over 2,000 ageing- and longevity-associated genes in model organisms. Another major database in HAGR is AnAge.