Agloe, New York - Wikipedia
Agloe was originally a fictional hamlet in Colchester, Delaware County, New York, United States, that became an actual landmark after mapmakers made up the community as a phantom settlement, an example of a fictitious entry similar to a trap street, added to the map to catch plagiarism. Agloe is also known for its role in the American romantic ...
An Imaginary Town Becomes Real, Then Not. True Story
2014年3月18日 · They were making a road map of New York state, and on that out-of-the-way dirt road, they created a totally fictitious place called "Agloe." The name was a mix of the first letters in their...
The Town That Never Existed - Agloe, NY - Exploring Upstate
2014年11月30日 · The town of Agloe, New York was a fictitious paper town created by a map company to protect their intellectual property. by Chris Clemens. Protecting intellectual material can be a bit of a precarious plight. One intellectual’s creation could be interpreted and then slightly changed (or not) and then published as something brand new.
阿格罗 (地图) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2023年1月21日 · 阿格罗 (Agloe),是曾位于 美国 纽约州 特拉华县 的地方,原本是General Drafting地图厂在1930年代在观光用地图中创作的虚拟村庄,作为 版权陷阱。 人口为0。 此村庄名是由地图制作者欧图·林伯格(Otto G.Lindberg)与恩斯特·阿伯斯(Ernest Alpers)所创作,名称由重新排列两人名字的头文字所拼成。 假作此村庄名几年后,General Drafting发现另外一家美国地图厂Rand McNally也有Agloe,因此控告侵害著作权。 但后者却主张当地地名确实叫做阿格 …
How a Fictitious Town Became Real and Then Disappeared Again
2024年4月12日 · In the 1950s, a map of New York produced by Rand McNally included the town of Agloe, a seemingly straightforward proof of copyright infringement. But, it turned out that Rand McNally was innocent because Agloe had become a real place.
阿格羅 (地圖) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿格羅 (Agloe),是曾位於 美國 紐約州 特拉華縣 的地方,原本是General Drafting地圖廠在1930年代在觀光用地圖中創作的虛擬村莊,作為 版權陷阱。 人口為0。 此村莊名是由地圖製作者歐圖·林伯格(Otto G.Lindberg)與恩斯特·阿伯斯(Ernest Alpers)所創作,名稱由重新排列兩人名字的頭文字所拼成。 假作此村莊名幾年後,General Drafting發現另外一家美國地圖廠Rand McNally也有Agloe,因此控告侵害著作權。 但後者卻主張當地地名確實叫做阿格羅,並且曾 …
Agloe, New York - Atlas Obscura
2013年2月12日 · Roscoe, the town (and it’s not really a town, but a “census designated place”), has only 900 or so residents. And the nearby municipality of Agloe, circled on the map below, has even fewer. No...
Agloe: A Fake Town That Became Real - Amusing Planet
2017年3月19日 · In the 1930s, a small town named Agloe suddenly began appearing on the maps of New York. It was positioned near an unmarked dirt road that led from Roscoe to Rockland, and near to Beaverkill. That road was neither visited by anyone nor was it popularly known, and very few people, if any, outside of the mapmakers’ company, knew that the town ...
Agloe: How a Completely Made Up New York Town Became Real
2014年2月12日 · Consider the strange case of Agloe, a place name that started appearing on maps of New York State in the 1930s. An insignificant little fleck, Agloe was shown somewhere in the Catskills, at...
Agloe:美国地图上的虚拟小镇 - 煎蛋
2014年3月20日 · Agloe:美国地图上的虚拟小镇. 这是一个关于虚构的城市变真又变假的故事。就像匹诺曹变成男孩,又变回木偶。但这次,这个故事是真实发生的事。 这是在纽约北部叫Agloe的地方。你可以从这里看到它,蓝色圈出来的地方,就在Roscoe和Rockland之间的公路上方。 [-]