AGM-64 Hornet - Wikipedia
The AGM-64 Hornet was a missile produced by the United States. In the early 1960s, North American Aviation produced a missile design for the U.S. Air Force's Anti-Tank Guided Aircraft …
AGM-65 Maverick - Wikipedia
The AGM-65 Maverick is an air-to-ground missile (AGM) designed for close air support. It is the most widely produced precision-guided missile in the Western world, [4] and is effective …
Rockwell AGM-64 Hornet - Designation-Systems.Net
Rockwell (North American) AGM-64 Hornet. In the early 1960s, North American designed a missile for the U.S. Air Force's ATGAR (Anti-Tank Guided Aircraft Rocket) requirement. The …
小牛空地导弹 - 百度百科
“小牛”(Maverick)又叫“幼畜”,是 美国空军 、海军和 海军陆战队 使用的空地导弹,代号为AGM-65,到目前为止,发展了A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H共8
AGM-64 Maverick | missile | Britannica
…tracked missile was the AGM-64/65 Maverick family of rocket-powered missiles. Early versions used television tracking, while later versions employed infrared, permitting the fixing of targets …
AGM-64 Hornet | Military Wiki | Fandom
The AGM-64 Hornet is a missile produced by the United States of America. The weapon began life in the early 1960s. North American produced a missile design for the U.S. Air Force's Anti …
空对面导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
空对面导弹(英語: ASM, air-to-surface missile ),也经常被称为空对地导弹( AGM, air-to-ground missile ),是一种从军用飞机上发射来攻击地面和水面目标的导弹,也就是包括了空射 …
AGM-114地狱火导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年2月20日 · AGM-114地狱火导弹(AGM-114 Hellfire)是一种多平台、多目标的美国制导弹,AGM意为“空对地”,即后来的空对面导弹。 主要用于 反战车 ,但后期型号也被用于无人机 …
AGM-65 Maverick — Википедия
AGM-65 Maverick (/ mævrɪk /, « Маверик » [2]) — американская тактическая ракета класса «воздух-поверхность». Предназначена для оперативного нанесения высокоточных …
AGM-65小牛导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年1月20日 · AGM-65“小牛”(英语: AGM-65 Maverick ),是美国研制的一种为近距离空中支援而开发的空对地战术导弹(AGM),取代了AGM-12导弹,小牛导弹家族是西方国家量产 …