agola-io/agola: Agola: CI/CD Redefined - GitHub
For an introduction to agola you can take a look at this post. See the agolademo example. Easy to install and manage. Scalable and High Available: go from a single instance (single process) deployment to a distributed deployment.
AGO or AGOL? - Esri Community
2021年12月29日 · I often see ArcGIS Online abbreviated in one of two manners: either "AGO" or "AGOL". Is there any "official" way to write it in short hand? "AGO" makes much more sense to me since "Online" is a single word, but I guess using "G" …
如何使用Esri ArcGIS在线(AGOL) - 开源地理空间基金会 ...
2019年9月22日 · Agol Web地图分步教程¶. 这是一个入门教程 如何创建Web地图 以及Esri ArcGIS Online (AGOL)中的场景。 ArcGIS Online是Esri基于云的平台,用于与地理数据协作、共享和连接。 在这个Arcgis在线教程中,我们将指导您从开始到结束创建和在线共享Web地图。
GitHub - achapkowski/agol-helper: A set of python tools to assist ...
A set of python tools to assist working with AGOL feature services and AGOL. A series of scripts are provided to demonstrate how to use this library.
AGOL Assistant and Portal · Issue #253 · Esri/ago-assistant - GitHub
2019年2月22日 · I am trying to setup AGOL-Assistant (https://ago-assistant.esri.com/) with my Portal (10.6.1)( using a SAML-based Identity Provider ADFS). I created an app, setup the redirect URI and register the app.
Solved: Connection to AGOL Exception - Esri Community
2024年6月20日 · I have a script i have been using for the past 6 months that connects to AGOL and copies content into my Portal. Today the script is unable to connect to AGOL. The script connects using gis = GIS(url="https://amica.maps.arcgis.com/home",username="myUN",password="myPW").
如何在 ArcGIS Online (AGOL) 中创建 Web 地图 开源地理空间基金 …
2022年2月18日 · 这是一个介绍性教程,介绍如何在 Esri ArcGIS Online (AGOL) 中创建 web 地图和场景。 ArcGIS Online 是 Esri 的基于云的平台,用于协作、共享和连接地理数据。 在本 ArcGIS Online 教程中,将指导从头到尾在线创建和共享 web 地图。
Argo CD | Argo - GitHub Pages
Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. Why Argo CD? Application definitions, configurations, and environments should be declarative and version controlled. Application deployment and lifecycle management should be automated, auditable, and easy to understand.
Labeling in AGOL with Arcade - Esri Community
2019年5月3日 · I have a quick question about creating colored labels in AGOL with arcade. I am trying to filter out my data with If/else statements for the appropriate range for a given color, then assigning a color to that value in the label with Text formatting tags.
AGOL Data Workflows | Natural State Documentation
The purpose of this documentation is to explain how to create the environmental covariate layers that are stored in Natural State’s ArcGIS Online (AGOL) database. In most cases the process follows a three-step workflow: Upload cleaned and annotated layers to AGOL.