Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives - Wikipedia
Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives (also known as AGS and Gonfaron Sports Cars) was a small French racecar constructor that competed in various racing categories over a period of thirty years, including Formula One from 1986 to 1991. AGS survived as a prosperous Formula One driving school, in Le Luc, near Gonfaron. [1]
Welcome to AGS Formule 1 (Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives), a motor racing institution, revitalized under the passionate vision of its new owner, Willy Collignon, since its takeover in 2019. Building on our heritage forged in the 1980s and 1990s in Formula 1, we have evolved to become much more than a team.
AGS (F1) - Wikipedia
AGS (Automobiles Gonfaronaises Sportives) は、 1986年 から 1991年 まで F1 に参戦していた フランス のレーシングチームである。 本拠地は ヴァール県 ゴンファロン [1]。 1968年、南フランスのゴンファロンを本拠地に アンリ・ジュリアン (英語版) が 500ccのシングルシーター のマシンを製作するために作ったチームが発祥である。 その後、チームは F3 や国際 F2 、その後身である国際 F3000 にチームは参戦。 F2時代にはチャンピオンを経験するなどの活躍をし …
Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives — Wikipédia
Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives (AGS) est un ancien constructeur français de Formule 1 et une ancienne écurie qui a disputé 47 Grands Prix entre 1986 et 1991. AGS a inscrit un total de deux points et la meilleure qualification décrochée par une de ses monoplaces est une 10e place.
Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives | Formula 1 Wiki | Fandom
Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives (commonly known as AGS) are a former motor racing constructor which competed in F1 from 1986 to 1991. AGS were among the back-markers in most races, picking up just 2 points in 80 races.
AGS JH25B - Wikipedia
The AGS JH25B was a Formula One car designed by Michel Costa for use in the 1991 Formula one season by the French AGS team. It was powered by the 3.5-litre Ford DFR V8. The car was driven by Italian drivers Gabriele Tarquini, Fabrizio …
AGS JH23 - Wikipedia
The JH23 was a Formula One car built and raced by the AGS team for the 1988 Formula One season. It was powered by the Ford Cosworth DFZ engine. A single car was entered, driven by experienced Frenchman Philippe Streiff.
AGS history | AGS FORMULE 1
AGS Formule 1 (Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives) took part in Formula 1 World Championships from 1986 to 1992 thanks to its creator, Henri Julien. After these participations, he developed the concept of Formula One training course. It was AGS main activity during years.
About us | AGS FORMULE 1
Only recently announced, the Morocco Historic Grand Prix is scheduled to take place on 8-10 November at the new, 4.4km Sidi Daoui circuit near Casablanca. A collaboration between the Moroccan Federation (FRMSA) and AGS Racing & Events, the grade 2 homologated circuit hopes to host races for Formula 1... Lire la suite de l'article
AGS F1 stats - GP Racing Stats
View AGS F1 stats and find in-depth statistics, including stats by season, Grand Prix and circuit, and per driver.