Scientific Sessions - Professional Heart Daily | American Heart Association
Join us for FOUR days of programming, November 7–10, 2025, for AHA's Scientific Sessions (#AHA25) at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. It's AHA's biggest cardiovascular conference of the year!
American Heart Association | To be a relentless force for a world …
3 天之前 · Learn more about the American Heart Association's efforts to reduce death caused by heart disease and stroke. Also learn about cardiovascular conditions, ECC and CPR, donating, heart disease information for healthcare professionals, caregivers, and …
2025 AHA Postdoctoral Fellowship - Professional Heart Daily
2024年3月4日 · Before beginning an application, see the AHA Application Resources page for requirements that apply to all AHA research awards. Also view AHA's research Policies and Statements. Proposals must be submitted electronically via ProposalCentral.
About Us - American Heart Association
From humble beginnings, the AHA has grown into the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. A shared focus on cardiovascular health unites our more than 35 million volunteers and supporters as …
AHA Sessions | AHA/ASA Journals
2024 AHA Scientific Sessions and Resuscitation Science Symposium (ReSS) Abstracts. For up-to-date info and full program details for all Journal Sessions, visit Professional Heart Daily and the Online Program Planner.
Journal of the American Heart Association - AHA/ASA Journals
2025年2月18日 · Journal of the American Heart Association Our vision is to innovate and incorporate promising technologies to communicate freely available, high-priority, high-quality content, which accelerates scientific progress and advances heart and brain health
AHA, others urge Congress to reauthorize and expand workforce …
10 小时之前 · The AHA and dozens of other organizations yesterday urged House and Senate sponsors of the Conrad State 30 and Physician Access Reauthorization Act to reauthorize and expand the program which allows foreign-born medical graduates trained in the U.S. to practice medicine in rural and underserved areas.
美国心脏协会 - 百度百科
美国心脏协会(AHA,American Heart Association)是心脏病学领域比较重要的学会之一,致力于心脏病和卒中的预防与治疗,提供相关继续教育、流行病学年度报告。 每年举办学术年会报道中的的临床试验结果等,有官方杂志《美国心脏协会杂志》,提供心血管疾病和卒中相关的指南及专家共识,更新的比较快。 美国心脏协会(AHA)称,每6万名新生儿就有一名受到VOGM的影响。
AHA provides recommendations to PTAC to improve participation …
11 小时之前 · The AHA March 27 made a series of recommendations to the Physician‐Focused Payment Model Technical Advisory Committee to address barriers to participating in population-based total cost-of-care and primary and specialty care models.
AHA opposes legislation allowing physician self-referrals, POH ...
11 小时之前 · The AHA March 27 voiced opposition to the Physician Led and Rural Access to Quality Care Act (H.R. 2191), a bill that would lift the ban on the establishment of physician-owned hospitals in certain rural areas and permit the unfettered expansion of POHs nationwide, regardless of location.