古拉格 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
古拉格一詞是GULAG(ГУЛАГ)的音譯,即勞改營管理總局(Главное управление лагерей)。 1973年,「古拉格」一詞透過 亞歷山大·索忍尼辛 发表的著作《古拉格群島》傳到西方,“古拉格”一词在西方开始指苏联的 劳改营 和所有形式的蘇聯 政治迫害。 在1917年之前, 俄罗斯帝国 就有 劳改营 的存在,这些劳改营被称为“ 卡托加 ”,后来的 苏联 领导人 斯大林 和 捷尔仁斯基 曾在卡托加服过苦役。 公历 1917年11月7日(儒略历 10月25日), 十月革命 爆发, 布尔什维克 夺取 …
Glûg | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
Glûg (shown sometimes in captions as Glüg) was an Orc of the Second Age who used to serve the fallen Elf Adar, before pledging his loyalty to Sauron. After the creation of Mordor, Glûg and his fellow Orcs aided Adar in rounding up and enslaving the Men of the Southlands.
Gulag | Definition, History, Prison, & Facts | Britannica
4 天之前 · What was the Gulag? The Gulag was a system of Soviet labour camps and accompanying detention and transit camps and prisons. From the 1920s to the mid-1950s it housed political prisoners and criminals of the Soviet Union. At its height, the Gulag imprisoned millions of people.
Gulag - Wikipedia
The abbreviation GULAG (ГУЛАГ) stands for " Г ла́вное У правле́ние исправи́тельно-трудовы́х ЛАГ ере́й" (Main Directorate of Correctional Labour Camps), but the full official name of the agency changed several times. The Gulag is recognized as a major instrument of political repression in the Soviet Union.
反常霍尔效应 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
反常霍尔效应 (Anomalous Hall effect, AHE)出现在具有破缺时间反演对称性的固体中,通常是在铁磁相中,由 自旋-轨道耦合 引起。 本文回顾了AHE的实验与理论研究,重点介绍了近年来的进展,这些进展为理解这一微妙现象提供了更完整的框架,并在许多方面将争议转化为清晰的认识。 实验与理论研究的协同作用是这些突破的关键,二者均发挥了至关重要的作用。 在理论方面, Berry相位 概念的引入为AHE与霍尔电流的拓扑特性之间建立了联系。 在实验方面,关于过渡 …
Gulag: Meaning, Archipelago & Definition | HISTORY
2018年3月23日 · The Gulag, a brutal system of forced labor camps, was first established in 1919 and grew under Joseph Stalin’s reign as communist dictator of the Soviet Union.
Discover the Story Behind a Legendary Exposé of the Brutality of …
2024年12月28日 · In the three-volume book, Solzhenitsyn offered a sweeping story of the Soviet prison system—from arrest to torture, execution, starvation and long hours of toil in the camps. He drew from his...
Gulag in East Germany
The Gulag in East Germany: Soviet Special Camps, 1945–1950 is the real story of what happened to thousands upon thousands of German victims of Stalinism who were incarcerated in special camps called Spezlager in the Soviet zone of occupation and abroad.
The Soviet Gulag: Genocide? Democide? Slavery? - University of …
2024年10月23日 · Glavnoe Upravlenie Lagerei [GULAG] or “Main Camp Administration” as a Soviet institution preceded Stalin, but it expanded significantly under his leadership. At its height the Gulag had at least 476 camp complexes across the Soviet Union, each consisting of thousands of individual camps characterized by poor living conditions and forced hard labor.
What was the Gulag? | Britannica - Encyclopedia Britannica
The Gulag was a system of Soviet labour camps and accompanying detention and transit camps and prisons. From the 1920s to the mid-1950s it housed political prisoners and criminals of the Soviet Union. At its height, the Gulag imprisoned millions of people.
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