SMD Code Markings Database - RepairCompanion
Search our extensive database of SMD component markings. Identify electronic components by their marking codes quickly and easily.
Marking of electronic components, SMD Codes AH, AH*, AH**, …
SMD Code Package Device Name Manufacturer Data Datasheet; AH SOT-89 BCX53: Zetex (Now Diodes) PNP transistor: AH SOT-23 MMBZ5231B: Semtech: Zener diode: AH SOT-343R RP130Q181A5: Ricoh: Linear Voltage Regulator: AH* VDFN-8 2x2 RT9012-GSPQV: Richtek: Linear Voltage Regulator: AH* WDFN-6 1.6x1.6 RT9013B-15PQWA: Richtek: …
Welcome to the SMD Codebook! The SMD Codebook is a reference for Surface Mount Device semiconductor device codes, equivalents and connections.. SMD Codebook Codes beginning with '0' be sure to check the 'O' (letter O) table as well Code Device Manf Base Package Leaded Equivalent/Data 0 2SC3603 Nec CX SOT173 Npn RF fT 7GHz
The SMD components marking codes database - Starting with 'AH'
This database allows to quickly find the part number of a SMD component when you have only the marking code. Showing codes starting with 'AH' Tap on the package name to see a picture of it
Identifying the manufacturers' type number of an SMD device from the package code can be a difficult task, involving combing through many different databooks. This HTML book is designed to provide an easy means of device identification.
The ultimate SMD marking codes online database #Electronics #SMD #EE
2021年10月7日 · The ultimate SMD marking codes database allows to quickly find the part number of a SMD component when you have only the marking code. See the database online at https://smd.yooneed.one/
The Solid-State Components Online Database - SMD-Code-Index - SMD …
2016年7月31日 · Semiconductor Charts - SMD Code Reference The Solid-State Components Online Database - SMD-Code-Index - SMD Code Reference KyteLabs InfoBase - Semiconductor Data
The SMD Code Book (Free Download) | ElectroSchematics.com
Here you can download our free SMD code book that shows SMD marking codes for almost every surface-mount device available on the market. To identify a particular device, first identify the package style and note the ID code printed on the device.
选择 SMD 还是 NSMD 焊盘 - pcbmay.com
在设计 PCB 时,选择 SMD(阻焊层定义)焊盘和 NSMD(非阻焊层定义)焊盘可能至关重要。 这两种焊盘类型会侵占 焊接 精度、可靠性和 PCB布局设计 注意事项。 在本指南中,我们将研究 SMD 与 NSMD 的区别、它们各自的优势以及它们如何影响您的 PCB 选择。 什么是贴片? 阻焊定义是 PCB 上的特殊焊盘设计。 它使用阻焊覆盖大部分铜焊盘。 只有一小部分暴露在外以供焊接。 此暴露区域取决于阻焊开口。 贴片焊盘 适用于精密焊接。 它们有助于引导焊料,尤其是对于 …
AC • SMD-Code-Index • SMD Code Reference • The Solid-State …
2022年12月24日 · KyteLabs InfoBase - Semiconductor Data: Last modified: 2022-12-24 (20870) A: Anhang Appendix: Index Cross Reference: A.9: A.9.2: SMD-Codes SMD Code Reference ...