NHS England » Allied health professions
There are currently fourteen registerable titles for Allied Health Professions (AHPs), covering 15 specific roles. The brief descriptions below were co-produced with the Workforce, Training and …
An exciting new strategy for the Allied Health Professions
The work of art therapists naturally aligns with the five focus areas of the AHP strategy. Suzanne describes art therapists as one of the ‘smaller but exquisite’ AHP groups. Collectively as an …
Art, Drama and Music Therapists - NHS England
An art, drama or music therapist is a psychological therapist who has experience and training in psychological interventions using art, music or drama as their primary mode of communication. …
NHS England — South East » Allied Health Professionals
Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) are the third largest clinical workforce in the NHS, making a crucial contribution to treating, rehabilitating and improving the lives of patients, and being …
Supporting art, drama and music therapists as AHPs and …
Across NHS England, the Deputy Chief Allied Health Professions Officer, Beverley Harden and the National Clinical Lead for Psychological Professions, Adrian Whittington, are working …
Allied Health Professions (AHPs) – Professionals Section
“An Arts Therapist is a psychological therapist who has arts-based experience and training in psychological interventions using drama, music or art as their primary mode of …
The study found that art therapy could contribute to the development of communication skills for the client and assist with emotional regulation strategies. While humour and the spontaneous …
AHP Workforce Reform Priorities 2021/2022 - NHS England
NHS placements expansion for Art, Drama and Music Therapies has been supported by HEE (Clinical Placements Expansion Programme project, March 2022) and outcomes include an …
Art therapist | NHSScotland Careers - careers.nhs.scot
Art therapists must be registered with the HCPC to work in the NHS. As an art therapist, you will create a secure environment where people can come to terms with their difficulties, disabilities, …
the NHS. Chief AHP officers in each of the four nations are responsible for slightly different professions representing a total of fifteen professions. The fifteen professions included in this …