AIFV - Wikipedia
The AIFV (Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle) is an American tracked light armored vehicle that serves as an infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) in the armies of several countries. It is a development of the M113A1 armored personnel carrier .
AIFV步兵战车 - 百度百科
1978年7月比利时签订了514辆AIFV和525辆M113A2的合同,根据许可由比利时机械制造(Belgian Mechnical Fabrication)公司生产,用以取代比利时现装备的美国M75 装甲人员输送车 和法国的AMX VCI步兵战车。
AIFV智能分析系统 ... 开始
AIFV-B履带式装甲步兵战车 - 百度百科
1978年7月比利时签订了514辆AIFV和525辆M113A2的合同,根据由比利时机械制造(Belgian Mechnical Fabrication)公司生产,用以取代比利时现装备的美国M75装甲人员输送车和法国的AMX VCI步兵战车。
FMS AIFV (Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle) / (M113A1) - Military Factory
Jul 2, 2019 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the FMS AIFV (Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle) / (M113A1) Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
YPR-765 - full review - specifications
The YPR-765 is an extended version of the AIFV, created in the 1970s by the American company Food Machinery and Chemical Corporation (FMC) based on the M113A1 and the XM765 prototype. Their distinction lies in an improved design compared to the M113, with most units being produced in the Netherlands by the company DAF.
FNSS ACV-15 - Wikipedia
FNSS developed the ACV-15 based on the AIFV to meet the Turkish Land Forces Command's (TLFC's) operational requirement. The first production vehicles were delivered in 1992. The basic AIFV has a one-person power-operated turret armed with a …
美国AIFV履带履带式装甲步兵战车 - 百度百科
美国aifv履带履带式装甲步兵战车,装甲步兵战车的一种。 该车车体采用铝合金焊接结构,并披挂有FMC公司研制的间隙钢装甲,用螺栓与主装甲连接。 这种间隙装甲中充填有网状的聚氨酯泡沫塑料,重量较轻,并有利于提高车辆水上行驶时的浮力。
绿罗军马——土耳其ACV-15多用途装甲车 - 哔哩哔哩
aifv步兵战车. 经过几年的努力,土耳其几乎掌握了aifv步兵战车的构型设计和全套生产工序,开始决定在其基础上研制一款绿罗装甲车,随之诞生了acv计划。
美国老式装甲步兵战车AIFV探秘_mm - 搜狐
Dec 27, 2018 · 1975年, fmc公司又试制成功第3种试制样车,该车火炮口径增大到25mm,车体四周加装了附加装甲。在此基础上,该车又经过小的改进后,定名为aifv装甲步兵战车。但美国军方对aifv的性能仍不太满意,所以,美国陆军又与fmc公司签订了研制另一种步兵战车的合同,研制代号为 ...