Shop | AIHA - Autoimmune Hepatitis Association
Shop. You can make a difference when you shop for AIHA apparel and accessories. All proceeds from items sold go directly to support the AIHA’s charitable mission of providing support, offering education, and advancing research. For more information about how donations are used, read our latest annual report.
Ceramic Mug | AIHA - Autoimmune Hepatitis Association
$ 13.00 Size Choose an option 11oz Clear Quantity: Ceramic Mug quantity Add to cart
The AIHA Shop is now... - Autoimmune Hepatitis Association
The AIHA Shop is now open! Spread awareness about autoimmune hepatitis and support a great cause! Choose among a variety of apparel and household items for purchase, including T-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, and bags with the AIHA’s brand new logo.
COFIL × Marble MUG ( コフィル × マーブルマグ ) [ AIHA ]
ペーパーレスのセラミック・コーヒー・フィルター「COFIL」。 「COFIL コフィル」公式販売ショップ https://cofil.theshop.jp/ 販売ページ(楽天市場)Sales page (Rakuten) https://item.rakuten.co.jp/imaritogei/c/000000...
Registration is now open! See below for rates, consent clauses, cancellation/refund/substitution policies and procedures, and other important details about Connect 2025. Use this link if you are registering as an attendee for either In-Person OR Virtual AIHA Connect. You do not need to be a member to log in.
自身免疫性溶血性贫血 - 百度百科
自身免疫性溶血性贫血(Autoimmune hemolytic anemia,AIHA)系体内免疫功能调节紊乱,产生自身抗体和(或)补体吸附于红细胞表面,通过抗原抗体反应加速红细胞破坏而引起的一种溶血性贫血。
自身免疫性溶血性贫血知多少? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
自身免疫性溶血性贫血 (autoimmune hemolytic anemia, AIHA)是系统性红斑狼疮病人常见的并发症,有时高达10%的系统性红斑狼疮病人有AIHA。 除狼疮外,其他系统性风湿疾病也可带来AIHA。 一,什么是溶血性贫血? 一般…
认识疾病∣自身免疫性溶血性贫血(AIHA)分类 - 知乎
温抗体型AIHA: 直接抗人球蛋白试验 (DAT)阳性是本病最具诊断意义的实验室检查,DAT为结果为仅IgG阳性或仅C3阳性或IgG阳性和C3阳性; 间接抗人球蛋白试验 (IAT)可为阳性或明性。 冷凝集素综合征: 冷凝集素试验阳性,DAT阳性者多为C3型。 阵发性冷性血红蛋白尿症: 冷热溶血试验(D-L试验)阳性可以诊断,DAT阳性者多为C3型。 涨知识啦. 除上述之外,三者的具体区别可见下表: 相信大家通过本期知识一定能够学会鉴别自己究竟是AIHA哪种亚型。 如果您还 …
Adult Art Workshop | Makers with Mugs - albanyinstitute.org
You bring your favorite mug, creativity, and a friend! This month will feature an art project inspired by Paul Scott: New American Scenery as we transfer and reinterpret one of our favorite fall scenes from AIHA’s permanent collection, Farm Scene by Rudy Helmo.
Aiha Noragami Coffee Mugs for Sale | Redbubble
High quality Aiha Noragami inspired Coffee Mugs by independent artists and designers from around the world. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours.
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