How do I get a mount? - Player to Player Support - Forums
2018年11月14日 · Sadly, the only other way for a permanent mount is real money (the BCM). That said, there ARE tradeable, permanent mounts that existed before 6.2. There might still be some people selling them, so check the broker.
Getting a mount - General Discussion - Forums
2018年11月8日 · You can purchase a 5 day mount from the Gold Ingot Shop for 2 Gold Ingots (or 2.6mil kinah). You can also get 5 day mounts from the Luna craft recipes. Currently there is no way of obtaining a permanent mount in game, without going through the cash shop or the broker.
Mounts - General Discussion - Forums
2017年10月12日 · Karunerk's Workshop in Luna Shop will offer mount recipes from time to time. Just make sure you are hoarding Luna materials. Crafting: Master in Handicrafting can craft mounts, there are some recipes under Aetherforging as well, but they require rather high skill points and those materials might be difficult to farm.
Mount cube - Report A Bug - Forums
2021年10月1日 · Bad mount icons are shown and wrong mount is summoned. I registered two mounts: Immortal Knight's War Steed and Executioner's Steed. 1. When I summon any of the mount , I always get the Immortal steed. 2. The icons in the cube shows both shows the Executioners steeds.
mount - Suggestion Box - Forums
2019年5月25日 · Aion ; Suggestion Box ; mount mount. By GenericUser12173 May 25, 2019 in Suggestion Box. Recommended Posts.
Legion mount - General Discussion - Forums
2020年11月26日 · Aion ; General Discussion ; Legion mount Legion mount. By GenericUser43991 November 26, 2020 in ...
Very (un)Important Question.. Cotton Candy Cat Mount
2021年4月6日 · This mount seems to be everything ive ever wanted, and im hoping to not get disappointed but i dont want to get my hopes up. It seems like this is the best place to find any skin/motion pictures. Thanks!
Aion China has Hello Kitty Costume - General Discussion - Forums
2018年5月24日 · http://aion.sdo.com/newsContent.asp?id=293712&CategoryID=1363 Including the mount too
White Tiger of Darkness - General Discussion - Forums
2018年2月28日 · Dork. Buy your own mount. @thesilverwarrior-DN As someone who started playing AION way back in 2009, was a paid subscriber until the game went F2P, NCsoft must have thought it fair to send an old Veteran player an incentive to encourage them to play again. Who knows, maybe that mount will eventually find its way into the BCM.
add permanent mounts - General Discussion - Forums
2019年5月29日 · Aion is the only MMO I play where this isn't so, and mounts are per character only. This practice has always seemed unfair to me as I mostly use the same mount/s on each character and have had to buy the same mounts over and over again for each of them.