Pioneering sustainable aerospace | Airbus
Airbus designs, manufactures and delivers industry-leading commercial aircraft, helicopters, military transports, satellites, launchers and more.
Airbus - Wikipedia
Airbus SE (/ ˈɛərbʌs / AIR-buss; French: [ɛʁbys] ⓘ; German: [ˈɛːɐ̯bʊs] ⓘ; Spanish: [ˈejɾβus]) is a European [8] aerospace corporation. The company's primary business is the design and manufacturing of commercial aircraft but it also has separate …
Careers | Airbus
Discover career opportunities at Airbus through our upcoming hiring events, including career fairs, airshows, recruitment events, and conferences. Whether attending in-person or virtually, our …
空中巴士 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
空中巴士公司 (Airbus SE; 法語: [ɛʁbys] (ⓘ),是 歐洲 一家 民航飛機 製造公司,於1970年由 法國 、 德國 、 西班牙 與 英國 共同創立,總部設於法國 土魯斯,也是歐洲最大的軍火供應製造商 空中巴士 (Airbus)旗下企業。
空中客车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
空中巴士公司 (Airbus SE; 發音: [ɛʁbys] ⓘ,是 欧洲 一家 民航飞机 制造公司,於1970年由 法国 、 德國 、 西班牙 与 英国 共同創立,總部設於法國 圖盧茲,也是欧洲最大的军火供应制造商 空中巴士 (Airbus)旗下企業。
Airbus in China
China is the largest single country market of Airbus commercial aircraft and represents around 20% of Airbus total annual deliveries in recent years. To date, there are more than 2,200 Airbus aircraft flying with the Chinese mainland airlines including passenger aircraft and freighters in China’s mainland, representing 55% of the market share.
Homepage | Aircraft & Services | Airbus
Airbus is proud to offer you, our customers, the most advanced and efficient portfolio available today. Our goal is to be the leader in efficiency, reliability, quality, safety, and excellence.
空中客车A380 (Airbus A380)是欧洲空中客车工业公司研制生产的四发550座级超大型远程宽体客机,投产时也是全球载客量最大的客机。 空中客车A380客机全机身长度双层客舱与四台发动机成为最易辨认的独特外形。 空中客车A380在单机旅客运力上有无可匹敌的优势。
Airbus Corporate Jets | Airbus
ACJ (Airbus Corporate Jets) creates the world’s most rewarding flying experiences with customers by providing them with unique expertise.
About us | Airbus
As a proven leader in the global aerospace sector, Airbus designs, produces and delivers innovative solutions with the aim to create a better-connected, safer and more prosperous world.