AIXR XR Awards - Recognizing Excellence in VR, AR & MR
As an independent, AIXR XR Awards are the biggest celebration of the very best VR & AR has to offer from across the globe. The AIXR XR Awards gather the world’s biggest and brightest innovators to recognize ground-breaking projects that redefined the immersive world and the way we interact with technology.
VR & AR Lab & Hardware Solutions : AIXR
The Virtual Reality (VR) zone, that’s split into three hubs showcasing the latest advancements in hardware. Mixed Reality (MR) & Haptics zone, features a large green screen space and a …
Unicorn by AIXR | Build Tech Products Faster, Pivot Less
For 8+ years we’ve been recognizing the groundbreaking work in virtual and augmented reality, the AIXR XR Awards celebrate those pushing the boundaries of immersive tech. MetaMovie: …
VR & AR Award Categories - XR Awards 2024
Explore the AIXR XR Awards categories: Virtual Reality, for complete digital immersion; Augmented Reality, blending the real and digital; Mixed Reality, merging both worlds; Spatial Audio, for 3D sound experiences; and Interactive Experiences, engaging users …
VR Awards 2020 - XR Awards 2024
The 4th International VR Awards became the first of its kind to evolve into a fully immersive awards show. We had one clear goal in mind: to lead the way for future virtual events and …
AIXR_分类资讯_VR陀螺 - vrtuoluo.cn
2024年12月6日 · 由国际扩展现实学院(AIXR)举办的第六届VR大奖评奖活动今年回归线下,全部14个奖项已出炉。 由AIXR举办的第六届VR Awards公布了全部12个奖项的提名名单。
VR & AR Solutions : AIXR
AIXR bespoke VR & AR solutions to further immersive technology and support large scale social impact projects.
What are the AIXR XR Awards? | AIXR Help Center
The AIXR XR Awards celebrates outstanding achievements in the virtual reality industry, and attendees include some of the biggest names in XR and offers a night of entertainment and celebration, looking back on the previous year of achievement.
VR Awards 2021 - XR Awards 2024
Highlights, Media, and Extras from our COVID virtual show. Missed the show in virtual reality? No problem, we streamed the entire show, including our pre-stream, to Youtube! Learn about the …
萬花筒 | 這六款產品獲得AIXR年度最佳VR硬體提名 - 壹讀
2023年11月20日 · 從國際擴展現實學院(AIXR)評選的6款入圍2022年度最佳VR硬體產品的名單可知,它們都很有代表性,有面向消費者的Pico Neo3 Link,有面向企業的XTAL™ 3 Mixed Reality,有跟腦機接口扯上關係的Varjo Aero,有把頭顯做成眼鏡的VIVE Flow,有主打觸覺的方形面板Emerge Wave-1 ...