AJGA Homepage
The AJGA is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the overall growth and development of young men and women who aspire to earn college golf scholarships through competitive junior golf. The tournament will run July 13-17, 2025. Since 1998, the AJGA has held "rules school" to educate staff on the rules of golf.
Ajgi: Music to Name the Divine - ScienceDirect
2016年1月1日 · AJGI: MUSIC TO NAME THE DIVINE STEPHANIE SANDLER Abstract This essay argues that music and sound are as significant in Aigi’s poetic world as are visual forms and images, with important implications for the poet’s distinctive theology. His poetry responds to and itself resounds as music.
Ajgi and Chlebnikov - ScienceDirect
2016年1月1日 · Ajgi may be considered the foremost poet of free verse in Russian literature. As regards free verse, the Russian avant-garde poets can be seen as Ajgi’s predecessors in this respect as well. In the free verse of Chlebnikov, Majakovskij and Elena Guro Ajgi hears the echo of Old Russian legends and the orthodox liturgy.
Ajgi: Music to Name the Divine - ScienceDirect
2016年1月1日 · His poetry responds to and itself resounds as music. The essay describes his strong personal connections to musicians and composers, and argues that his distinctive rhythms come from musical forms, not traditional poetic meters. For Aigi, meter is constraining but rhythm is expressive and inspiring.
Gennadij Ajgi (b. 1934) is recognized by many as one of the most tant and original poets writing in Russian today. A leading practitioner free verse, he may be seen as providing a contemporary synthesis two major wings of the historical Russian avant-garde, Futurism bolism, as Belyj, Xlebnikov and Pasternak had been in their own ways.
Aleksej Ajgi - Wikipedia
Aleksej Gennad'evič Ajgi (in russo Алексей Геннадьевич Айги?; Mosca, 11 luglio 1971) è un musicista e compositore russo, fondatore, nel 1994, dell'ensemble 4'33", nome che fa riferimento al pezzo minimalista di John Cage in cui un artista non suona per quattro minuti e …
Ajgi, Gennadij: Das lyrische Werk - SpringerLink
2020年11月12日 · Das gewählte tschuwaschische Pseudonym Ajgi – es bedeutet ‚der da‘ – bezeugt das Insistieren auf der Identität der Herkunft. Ursprünglich veröffentlicht unter © J.B. Metzler’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung und Carl Ernst Poeschel Verlag GmbH
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Ajgi: Music to Name the Divine - ResearchGate
2016年2月15日 · His poetry responds to and itself resounds as music. The essay describes his strong personal connections to musicians and composers, and argues that his distinctive rhythms come from musical forms,...
Gennadij Ajgi - international literature festival berlin
Gennadij Ajgi. Russia; Zu Gast beim ilb: 2003; Biography. Bibliography. Biography. The lyric poet Gennady Aygi was born in 1934 as Gennadi Nikolayevich Lisin in Shaimursino in what today is the Chuvash Republic. He belonged to the Chuvash ethnic minority, an ethnic group distantly related to the Huns. His assumed Chuvash name means »he over ...