Stereophile review of Klipschorn - The Klipsch Audio Community
Aug 10, 2019 · Atkinson measured the AK6 frequency response using nearfield (bass horn) and farfield (squawker/tweeter) measurement techniques. The AK6 frequency response measured: 33 Hz -20kHz +8 dB minus 15 dB (my interpretation of the FR curves). The +8 dB peak at 10kHz is as disappointing as the overall tweeter level which appears to be 3 dB too hot ...
Lascala AL5(possible with sub) or the Khorn AK6 (against a long wall)
Jun 15, 2023 · The sealed KHorn bass bin was something that was experimented with for 20-30 years and the only 2 production models where Klipsch did this prior to the AK6 was the 60th and 70th Anniversary KHorn. The Most recent anniversary model being the last of the AK5s made prior to the change to the AK6 design/driver changes.
Lascala AL5(possible with sub) or the Khorn AK6 (against a long wall)
Jun 15, 2023 · The AK6 and AL5 have different drivers and crossovers with a new voicing. For 2ch the LS sounds best not too far away from a wall otherwise the bass in enemic. 1ft-2.5ft seems to work best on them. As others have said, you could have bad drivers for all you know.
Amp suggestions for Khorn AK6, La Scala AL5 & Cornwall IV?
Oct 9, 2021 · Considering the AK6, AL5 and now also the Cornwall IV as speakers for my home. But what amp should I use? I listen to a wide genre of music, from metal to country, to pop, to classical and also opera. So what amp sounds better with these speakers, for example should I stick with something like: 1. Pass Labs xa30.8; 2.
Need help on AK6 K-Horn enclosure back board dimensions
Feb 8, 2024 · I currently own ‘82 KHorn and would like to build an enclosure just like latest AK6 I need the dimension of the back board width. My existing back board is 9 inches wide. If you own a pair, could you send a minute measure the width of the back board I see the Volti work but no dimension listed. Thanks in advance Thuan
Which is better - Jubilee or AK6? - The Klipsch Audio Community
Apr 14, 2020 · Incidentally - I have asked the same question " Which is better - Jubilee or AK6" of an in-house person at Hope. So far no responses there as yet. Existing pre and power may need to change too. I have super efficient speakers now - …
Lascala AL5(possible with sub) or the Khorn AK6 (against a long wall)
Jun 15, 2023 · Their employee (whose La Scalas I have now purchased) has Klipschorn AK6 at his own home, placed against a single long wall without corners. He also believes that this setup is perfectly fine and that the difference between placing them in corners or not was hardly audible (they tested this at the store).
Will Kilpschorn AK6 work well in my room? (thinking of upgrading …
Mar 7, 2024 · Also, the very few professional reviews of the AK6 that I've been able to find don't actually read very favorably. I would hope that this is due to limitations of the reviewer's rooms. Any candid opinions of the AK6s as a speaker, and compared to the AL5s would be appreciated!
Does the AK6 Klipschorn need false corners? - General Klipsch Info ...
Dec 26, 2022 · With the new AK6 Klipschorn do I still need to build false corners if I don't have corners? To reach their specs, especially the low end, they need to be in close vicinity of a corner. The sealed backs give you some flexibility in terms of how you toe them in as they don’t need to be sealed into the corner like the older ones do, but they ...
If I get Klipschorn AK6 - The Klipsch Audio Community
May 1, 2020 · If I choose to buy a pair of the Klipschorn AK6 - which sub(s) new or used should I consider, and why? I am a confessed audiophile now owning VMPS IIa/R - Special Edition speakers now. Naturally I will try the 1812 immediately - and then the Firebird.