AK-63突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
匈牙利國防軍目前已為他們的7,700把AK-63升級至現代化水平,這些現代版本被命名為“AK-63MF”。 改進的項目包括改用 皮卡汀尼導軌 護木 、CAA公司的伸縮 槍托 、新的 手槍握把 、加裝 M320榴彈發射器 、 前握把 、 紅點鏡 /光學 瞄準鏡 及 AN/PEQ-2雷射瞄準器 等。 匈牙利國防軍:目前的主力制式步槍,將被 CZ布倫2型 所取代。 [5] 伊朗:1980年代兩伊戰爭期間自伊拉克軍繳獲。 [6] ^ 存档副本. [2020-11-14]. (原始内容 存档 于2020-08-03).
AK-63 - Wikipedia
7700 pieces of the AK-63 have been modernised in the Hungarian Armed Forces and received the designation AK-63MF. The modernisation included Swan rails, new handgrips, underbarrel grenade launcher, new sights, flashlights etc. Hungary: Main service rifle of the Hungarian Defence Forces. Intended to be replaced by the CZ BREN 2. [4]
步枪科普:AK-63 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年5月2日 · AK-63(在匈牙利军队中也被叫作AMM),是一款曾经由匈牙利国营的武器和机器制造厂(匈牙利语:Fegyver- és Gépgyár,简称:FEG)生产的AKM突击步枪衍生型。 该枪目前仍然是匈牙利陆军的制式步枪,同时也被匈牙利国防军的其他兵种所使用。 AK-63取代了匈牙利军队原本装备的AMD-65突击步枪,后者除了配备枪管隔热罩和一个前握把外,其余跟AK-63大致相同。 AMD-65自1965年开始便已在匈牙利军队服役,但军方很快便意识到该枪存在着生产成本 …
AK-63F | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
The AK-63F or (known in the Hungarian military as AMM) is a Hungarian assault rifle developed in the late 1970s from the AKM. Standard production model with wooden stock. Production model with folding stock. Modernized model. Semi-automatic AK-63F. Clinton ban-era civilian model. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
FEG AK-63 / AMM Assault Rifle - Military Factory
2021年8月15日 · assault rifles, the AK-63 series made use of the Soviet 7.62x39mm cartridge and relied upon a gas-operated, rotating bolt firing action. Externally, the AK-63 appeared as a clone of the Soviet-era counterpart in its overall presentation save for a …
AK-63F: Hungary’s Last Military Kalashnikov - Forgotten Weapons
2024年5月11日 · The exact details are still classified by the Hungarian government, but a 2018 Conflict Armament Research report identified 166 AK-63Fs captured from Isis. Some of these late-production guns have come into the United States as parts kits, including this one (which I purchased from Atlantic Firearms).
FEG AK-63MF - nazarian.no
Nazarian's Gun's Recognition Guide. FEG AK-63MF. FEG AK-63MF. The FEG AK-63MF is a Modernised Hungarian variant of the AKMS assault rifle manufactured by the Fegyver- és Gépgyár (FÉG) state arms plant in Hungary. In Hungarian service, the AK-63 replaced the AMD-65, which is nearly identical but features a modified heat shield and a vertical forward hand grip under the barrel.
Rohamsisak: Új magyar egyenruha és az AK-63MF
2016年9月3日 · Ez nem egy amerikai fegyverbemutató, nem egy 2100-as fejlesztési terv, hanem egy jelenleg csapatpróbát teljesítő, már kidolgozott új egyenruha és.... az új alaplőfegyver az AK-63MF (a harmadik, golyóálló mellényes honvédnél lévő fekete gépkarabély). De kezdjük is sorban. Balról jobbra. Az első úriember a képen, szerintem a 2.
The new Hungarian Service Rifle the AK63MF - Flickr
The new Hungarian Service Rifle the AK63MF - H&K Grenade Launcher (Translated from Hungarian) Collapsible M4 style butt stock. Rear pistol grip. Universal tactical-sling. Modified safety lever. Flash hider. Complemented spare parts and instruments. 40 mm Under Barrel Grenade Launcher. 1x red dot optical sight with 3 times magnifying add-on module.
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Atlantic Firearms,llc - AtlanticFirearms.com
Chambered in 7.62x39 the AK-63, also known as the AMM is a Hungarian version of the AKM assault rifle that was manufactured in Hungary by the FEG state weapons plant. Hungarian Forces currently use it as an infantry weapon and most branches of the Hungarian Defense Forces. The AK-63 series replaces the well known Hungarian AMD-65 rifle.