AK-74M - Kalashnikov Group
Specifications, detailed capabilities, as well as photo and video materials for the AK-74M 5.45 mm rifle, the standard issue personal weapon of the Russian Army and law enforcement agencies.
AK-74M - 枪炮世界
AK-74M从 1991 年开始俄罗斯联邦的制式步枪,并逐步替换原有的 AK-74 和 AKS-74。 一些前苏联的加盟国后来也采用AK-74M,包括乌克兰、格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚和哈萨克斯坦。 而阿塞拜疆则从伊孜玛什获得设计授权,目前正生产略经改进的AK-74M,他们称之为“卡兹里(Khazri)”突击步枪。 另外塞浦路斯国民警卫队也装备了AK-74M。 AK-74M 在 外观上最明显的特征就是把原来鲜艳的颜色部件都改为暗色,这是因为它用深棕色的玻璃纤维塑料代替原来的木料作为枪托、护木 …
AK-74M: A standard service rifle of Russian Army
2022年3月12日 · The AK-74M is a modification of the AK-74, which its intended use is for motorized infantry and as a standard service rifle. It was manufactured and designed in Russia by Izhmash Small Arms as the main service rifle of the Russian Army.
塔科夫AK-74 AK-74M AK-74N有什么区别? - 哔哩哔哩
2020年3月14日 · 可以看到AK-74N与AK-74属性保持一致,AK-74M明显好过一筹. 那么就用同样属性的配件搭配一下呢? AK-74N. AK-74M. 也是74M强于74N和74. 可以得出:如果是穷酸配法,74N因为枪身价格最高,所以性价比最低。 除非是买得起最高额的配件(导气、枪托),不然按现在的价格来说,74m优于74优于74n。 然而74N有几个配件可以极大的提升属性和颜值,极限属性高于74M,所以更适合不缺钱有爱心的大佬或者满配老婆党。
AK-74自动步枪 - 百度百科
AK-74自动步枪(英文:AK-74 Assault Rifle [3]),是苏联研制的一型自动步枪(又称:突击步枪)。 AK-74自动步枪,是在AKM步枪基础上改进而来,基本继承了卡拉什尼科夫自动步枪的优良传统,也是世界上生产和装备数量最多的小口径自动步枪之一。 该枪是苏联装备的第一种小口径步枪,口径5.45毫米,全长943毫米,枪管长415毫米,全枪重量3.3千克,有效射程500米,枪口初速900米/秒,弹容量有20、30、45发三种装置 [5] [9]。 1960年代,苏联两位子弹设计家维克多· …
少女前线尚未出现的武器:AK74M - 哔哩哔哩
AK74M从1991年开始成为俄罗斯联邦的制式步枪。 AK74M用黑色塑料作为枪托、护木和握把的材料,AK-74M的折叠枪托内可以装附品盒,护木上增加了防滑纹。 由于改用了塑料,因此枪重减轻,此外塑料的热传导系数低,而且冲击强度和耐磨性都高于木质。 此外,AK74M能通用其他的AK步枪的附件。 随着时间推移,皮卡丁尼导轨出现,如何让AK74M以及其它AK100家族成员变得更洋气,更适合现代战争的问题也提上日程。 大量改造套件也涌现出来,例如泽尼特公司的 …
AK-74M | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
The AK-74M (GRAU Index: 6P34) is a Russian assault rifle developed by modernizing the AK-74. The AK-100 series of firearms are directly related to the AK-74M, with the AK-74M being the original AK-100 model of the series. The AK-105 is the shorter barrelled model of the series.
AK-74M Assault Rifle - Army Technology
2020年2月4日 · AK-74M is a gas-operated, selective fire weapon. It incorporates a new solid side-folding polymer buttstock, as well as an improved bolt and carrier assembly. The rifle is equipped with an enhanced muzzle device and durable smooth dust …
Kalashnikov AK-74 AKS-74 AK-74M assault rifle (USSR/Russia)
Early 5.6mm experimental cartridges were built using 7.62x39mm cases necked down, but circa 1966 a new, smaller diameter case was developed for the new round. This new round featured a bottlenecked, tapered case 39mm long made of steel.
VFC AK74M (AV74M) GBBR Airsoft | RedWolf
Back in 1991, a new era dawned at the Izhmash factory in Izhevsk as they embarked on a full-scale production of the modernized AK-74M assault rifle, Just in time for the first Chechen War. This revamped variant of the classic AK-74 offered heightened versatility over its predecessor.
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