Ike - Kerbal Space Program Wiki
2024年10月10日 · Ike is a moon and the only natural satellite of Duna. Ike has steep, rocky slopes and no atmosphere. Ike and Duna are tidally locked due to their proximity and Ike's size. This means that Ike is in synchronous orbit around its parent body, and that each body is only visible from approximately half of its partner's surface.
Ike - Kerbal Space Program - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有 …
Ike是Duna唯一的一颗天然卫星. 因为Ike和Duna的距离较近 所以这两颗星球保持着潮汐锁定状态. 因为两颗星球距离较近 所以在接近Duna时很容易被Ike捕获. Ike表面布满了悬崖峭壁 这导致登陆Ike会有一定的难度. Ike 遍布岩石。 其最高点和最低点的高度差为 12.75 km,大约是 Mun 高度差的三倍,虽然 Mun 的半径要大 54%,表面积要多 137%。 大高度差,同时体积又相对更小,结果就是 Ike 上遍布陡峭的斜坡,着陆非常困难。 山谷的底部是平坦、安全的着陆点之一。 Ike 上 …
CKAN (The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network) - v1.33.2 Laplace - KSP ...
2020年9月23日 · The CKAN is an Open Source, community-driven mod management solution for Kerbal Space Program and Kerbal Space Program 2. The CKAN client, available for Windows, macOS and Linux, enables easy installation, uninstallation and updates of mods. The client provides strong guarantees on consistency.
Tutorial: Basic Probe And Satellite Building - Kerbal Space …
2020年4月9日 · Probes and Satellites are two different things. This tutorial intends to help you understand what they are, what they do, and how you can build one in Kerbal Space Program. A probe is an unmanned spacecraft that travels through space to collect science information, sent back for scientists to study.
我的KSP Mod介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
Solver Engines:KSP发动机引擎(这里说的是运算引擎)的替换,就包括加入点火时间、点火次数限制这类; Squad:原版的一些东西,可以在这里找到旗帜之类的; SXT:对原版组件的修改; Taerobee:一些历史航空组件; Tanares:苏系航天部件,联盟、质子、礼炮之类的这些
[1.12.X] Modding guide : How to beautify KSP (Feb 2023)
2023年2月21日 · My goal here is to provide you with instructions to make your KSP look better while preserving the original vanilla gameplay, therefore this guide contains no parts mods or QoL mods. It's up to you to add those if you want.
[1.4.x] TweakScale v2.3.12 (Apr-16) - Kerbal Space Program Forums
2015年3月8日 · TweakScale lets you change the size of a part. Not just that, but it will figure out how much fuel is in the resized part. And if it's an engine, it will become more powerful by scaling it bigger, or weaker by scaling it smaller. A bit of Documentation. Latest dev version (WIP stuff, might contain bees)
Kerbal Space Program
Kerbal Space Program. Download; Forum; Wiki
KSP-RO/AJE: Advanced Jet Engine for KSP - GitHub
Advanced Jet Engine for KSP. For docs and readme see the forum thread. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/139868-141-advanced-jet-engine …
Kerbal Space Program - Wikipedia
Kerbal Space Program (KSP) is a space flight simulation video game developed by Mexican studio Squad for Linux, macOS, Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One. In the game, players direct the space program of a species of green humanoid aliens known as "Kerbals".