The Hanz development sanctioned - Aker BP
2021年12月15日 · Aker BP (operator) and licence partners Equinor and Spirit Energy have affirmed the investment decision (DG3) for development of the Hanz discovery in the North …
Hanz on stream - Aker BP
2024年4月22日 · Aker BP (OSE: AKRBP) (OTCQX: AKRBF; AKRBY) is pleased to announce that production has started from Hanz in the North Sea. Hanz is operated by Aker BP, with Equinor …
Hanz i produksjon - Aker BP
2024年4月22日 · Aker BP rapporterer at produksjonen har startet fra Hanz i Nordsjøen. Aker BP er operatør og Equinor og Sval Energy partnere. Hanz er en havbunnsutbygging tilknyttet Ivar …
Aker BP gives green light for Hanz development offshore Norway
2021年12月16日 · Aker BP and its partners have made investment decisions for the development of the Hanz oil and gas discovery in production licence (PL) 028 B in the Norwegian North …
Hanz Development, North Sea, Norway - Offshore Technology
2022年1月24日 · The Hanz field is an oil and gas field development located in the Norwegian North Sea. The field is being developed by a partnership between Aker BP (35%, operator), …
Aker BP gets go-ahead to operate North Sea Hanz subsea …
2024年1月19日 · OSLO, Norway — The Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) has authorized Aker BP to start using the newly installed subsea templates, associated control …
Aker BP’s Hanz Subsea Tieback Goes Onstream | Hart Energy
2024年4月22日 · Aker BP said production has started from its shallow water Hanz subsea tieback in the North Sea to the Ivar Aasen platform 15 km away, the company said in an April 22 news …
Show of Hanz: Aker BP sanctions 20million barrel Norwegian …
2021年12月15日 · Aker BP and its licence partners, Equinor and Spirit Energy, have confirmed a final investment decision for the development of the Hanz discovery in the Norwegian North …
Aker BP sanctions Hanz-Ivar Aasen tieback offshore Norway
2021年12月15日 · LYSAKER, Norway – Aker BP and license partners Equinor and Spirit Energy have affirmed the investment decision (DG3) for development of the Hanz oil and gas …
Aker BP to move ahead with $370m Hanz oil and gas project in …
2021年12月16日 · Aker BP and its partners Equinor and Spirit Energy have sanctioned the development of the Hanz oil and gas project in licence 028 B in the Norwegian North Sea with …