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IT Sector ,Infrastructure innovation solution & Renewable Energy sector with global consortium partners. Renewable energy is reliable, affordable, and beneficial for our health, our economy, …
2. The Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System concept and its components al. 2015; EU 2020/COM381). We understand an AKIS as a system that links people and institutions to …
An AKIS/RD is the entire complex of agencies and institutions that provide rural people with the knowledge and information necessary for promoting innovation in their diversified livelihoods. …
ἀκίς - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2024年4月13日 · ἀκίς • (akís) f (genitive ἀκίδος); third declension. This table gives Attic inflectional endings. For declension in other dialects, see Appendix:Ancient Greek dialectal declension. …
Akis Bis - Managing Director & Executive Board Director, Intrum ...
Global Investment Director & Managing Director - Intrum Investments Greece · Akis is a multi-faceted and dynamic business leader with over twenty five years of experience in banking & …
Erstes AKIS-Treffen: "Wie wird Wissen wirksam?"
2024年12月2日 · Unter dem Begriff AKIS wird das Querschnittsziel zur Förderung von Wissen und Innovation der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU gefasst. Es hat den Anspruch die …
阿崎(AKIS&CO.) 作为今年来流行的高端奢侈品牌,主营高级珠宝、配饰、成衣、手提包、旅行用具、皮具及个性化私人定制服务等。 阿崎,爱 就在一起。
Akut- und Intensivstation AKIS - Luzerner Psychiatrie AG
Die Akut- und Intensivstation (AKIS) ist ausgerichtet auf Kinder und Jugendliche in Notfall- und Krisensituationen mit akuter Selbst- und/ oder Fremdgefährdung. Es werden auch …
Akis - one-of-the-greatest-sources-for-greek …
Akis (Ακις) was a river-god of eastern Sikelia. He was originally a Sikelian youth loved by the Nereid Galateia whose jealous rival, the Kyklops Polyphemos, killed him with the cast of a …