akmt.group - IT & Overlay Solutions - AKMT
AKMT is an all-encompassing IT and overlay solutions provider, handling a wide range of event services throughout all project phases. With an international team of experts, we provide tailored solutions that fit your budget either from a consultancy standpoint or as a full-scale turn-key solution provider.
AKMT - Guaranteed service for trade
Grounded in engineering procurement, we have refined our capabilities to offer comprehensive and tailored solutions that cater to the unique needs of our valued clients. From sourcing top-quality products to delivering impeccable services, our aim is to consistently go above and beyond expectations in every aspect of our work.
aKMT Catalyzes Extensive Protein Lysine Methylation in the ...
2016年9月1日 · Recently, aKMT, a highly conserved crenarchaeal protein lysine methyltransferase, was identified and shown to exhibit broad substrate specificity in vitro. Here, we have constructed an aKMT deletion mutant of the …
AKMT is a novel lysine methyltransferase localized to the apical ...
Three of the four motifs found in canonical PKMTs can be identified in AKMT, which contains a well-conserved motif I, and semi-conserved motifs III and IV. However, no conservation with the ...
旭化成微电子株式会社 旭化成电子科技 (上海) 有限公司 (AKM)
旭化成微电子 (AKM) 提供基于复合半导体技术的各种先进传感器件和采用模拟/数字混合信号技术的精密集成电路产品。 用前所未有的灵感进行技术融合和创新,拓展人们体验现实世界的边界。 产品名称后缀“-L”“-E1”“-P” 是什么意思? 旭化成微电子 (AKM) 以化合物半导体技术为基础,提供各种先进的传感设备,以及采用模拟/数字混合信号技术的精密IC产品。
Network Infrastructure & Web Applications. Venue Design. Audio & Video Systems.
Identification of functional modules of AKMT, a novel lysine ...
2013年5月1日 · Recently, we discovered a previously unknown mechanism of motility regulation in T. gondii, mediated by a lysine methyltransferase, AKMT (for Apical complex lysine (K) methyltransferase). When AKMT is absent, activation of motility is inhibited, which compromises parasite invasion and egress, and thus severely impairs the lytic cycle.
Identification and characterization of a highly conserved ... - PubMed
Here we report the identification and characterization of the first crenarchaeal protein lysine methyltransferase, designated aKMT, from the hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon Sulfolobus islandicus.
AKMT is a company specialising in putting together one-of-a-kind teams, however, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for every project. Instead, we hand-pick highly experienced events industry pros from all around the world based on your project’s requirements.