玉置亚子 - 百度百科
玉置亚子(たまき あこ,Tamaki Ako),轻小说《线上游戏的老婆不可能是女生?》及其衍生作品中的女主角,由日高里菜配音。玉置亚子,前崎高中的一年级学生,重度网游爱好者,因难以分辨游戏与现实,连网游名字也与本名相同。
Ako Tamaki - Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?
Ako Tamaki (玉置 亜子/アコ, Tamaki Ako?) is the female protagonist of the Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? series. In school, she is shy and quiet among her classmates, being absent often due to her heavy addiction to the online game. She becomes Hideki's in-game wife after her repeated...
And You Thought There Is Never a Girl Online? - Wikipedia
The cover girl of the series, Ako is Hideki's schoolmate who goes by the game name Ako (アコ), a female cleric, in LA. She was first Hideki's in-game wife as a result of her repeated in-game proposals to him and his reluctant acceptance.
Ako "Aco" Tamaki - MyAnimeList.net
Ako Tamaki (玉置 亜子 / アコ) Age: 17 Ako is Hideki's "wife" in-game. In real life, Ako is a petite young girl. She has somewhat messy black hair, darker than normal black, and has blue eyes. At school, she wears her uniform with a blue sweater and wears a red ribbon around her shirt's collar. In addition, she wears knee high socks.
And you thought there is never a girl online? - Crunchyroll
After Hideki Nishimura confesses to a girl online, he is shocked when she turns out to be a boy. Traumatized, he swears to never trust any “girl” players. That is, until one confesses to him! Ako...
Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? Wikia
Hideki Nishimura plays a massively multiplayer online role-playing game called Legendary Age (LA), but one day he proposes online to a girl who tells him she is really a man, so he swears off online marriages. Two years later, he has been involved with a guild and eventually accepts an in-game marriage offer from his persistent guildmate, Ako.
Ako Tamaki - Yandere Wiki
Ako Tamaki is a yandere character from the light novel series And You Thought There Is Never a Girl Online?. She is in love with her in-game "husband" Hideki Nishimura. She met Nishimura in an online role-playing game and their characters got married to each other.
亚子 - 人物详情 - 千寻分享
玉置亚子 (Tamaki Ako),由日本轻小说家听猫芝居原作、Hisasi负责插画的轻小说《线上游戏的老婆不可能是女生? (ネトゲの嫁は女の子じゃないと思った? )》及其衍生作品动漫中的女主角。 前崎高中一年级学生,与西村英骑是同校同学,同时也是个喜欢玩线上游戏的重度宅女,因为分不清网游与现实的缘故,以至于网游名字跟本名一样。 在游戏中的职业是外观至上主义的牧师,成绩和人际关系都很差。 十分厌恶现充,面对现充会眼神无光地说“去死”一类的话,甚至有想杀 …
Ako TAMAKI - Anime-Planet
At first I didn't like her and thought she was just annoying asf, but then after around half the anime I started liking her, prob because they actually gave her some emotional depth other than "rUsIan hELp!!!"
Ako Tamaki | The Kadokawa Sitcom Show Wiki | Fandom
2006年5月27日 · Ako Tamaki (玉置亜子) is an 16-year-old high schooler who is a RPG video gamer. To see her differences with her prime counterpart, click here. She's chosen as the Alien Rider No.52, Kamen Rider Pesky Dust (仮面ライダーペスキーダスト). Ako is capable of transforming into Kamen Rider Pesky Dust by inserting her...