Imaging ultrathin Al2O3 films with scanning tunneling microscopy
2000年11月10日 · Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), with its ability to probe surface morphology at the atomic level, is a powerful technique for systematically studying surface structure that can affect its catalytic properties. This Letter is a report of the first successful imaging of thin film Al 2 O 3 on a refractory support, Re (0 0 0 1), using STM.
Copper clusters on Al2O3/NiAl(1 1 0) studied with STM
2001年4月10日 · In this paper, we report a STM study of Cu deposited on an Al 2 O 3 film. The thin (∼5 A) film is produced by oxidation of a NiAl (1 1 0) single crystal. Using STM we can directly show that the Cu grows as 3D clusters in the VW growth mode on the Al 2 O 3 film.
STM atomic-scale characterization of the γ′-Al2O3 film on …
1999年12月1日 · We report the first atomic-resolution study by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) of the γ′-Al 2 O 3 film formed on the Ni 3 Al(111) surface at ∼1000–1100 K. STM images of this well-ordered oxide film reveal a hexagonal array of corrugations with an average interatomic spacing of 3.0±0.1 Å.
The Structure and Reactivity of Al2O3-Supported …
2002年12月20日 · The morphology, growth modes, exposed binding sites, and electronic properties of Co−Pd bimetallic particles supported on a thin alumina film have been studied using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) of CO, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).
Atomically resolved electronic properties in single layer ... - Nature
2022年11月5日 · Atomic level electronic properties were analyzed by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS). The combination of micro- and nanoscale analyses provided a deeper understanding...
Stoichiometric reconstruction of the Al2O3(0001) surface | Science …
2024年9月12日 · We imaged the basal (0001) plane of α–aluminum oxide (α-Al 2 O 3) using noncontact atomic force microscopy with an atomically defined tip apex. The surface formed a complex (31 × 31) R ±9° reconstruction.
(Color online) (a) STM image of the Al 2 O 3 - ResearchGate
The ordering, driven by the periodic superstructure of the Al2O3 ultrathin layer support, has been achieved for 0.9 nm diameter NPs and flat-lying molecules with a 2:1 perylene:NP relative ratio.
Simulated STM images of (a) clean Al-terminated α-Al 2 O 3 …
The STM for a clean corundum α-Al 2 O 3 surface was obtained at 0.1 Å and a density of ϱ = 0.0017 e/Å 3 , clearly showing alternating rows of well-defined Al and O atoms. ... View in full-text...
STM atomic-scale characterization of the γ′-Al2O3 film on …
1999年12月1日 · The initial stages of growth of ordered layers of Al2O3 on NiAl(001) single-crystal surfaces at 1025 K and 10−7 mbar (10−5 Pa) in O2 have been studied using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and …
Rare Metals 昆明理工大学冯晶:新型伪二元Sr2TiMoO6-Al2O3复 …
2024年11月4日 · 日前, 昆明理工大学材料科学与工程学院的冯晶教授课题组在Rare Metals上发表了题为“ Pseudo-binary composite of Sr2TiMoO6-Al2O3 as a novel microwave absorbing material ”的研究文章, 通过固相反应法首次制备了Sr2TiMoO6-Al2O3新型复合吸波材料,并揭示了复合材料中的电磁损耗机理 。